11 weeks into flowering greenhouse thai plant


Well-Known Member
i am posting these pics partially out of pride but also would like input as to how far from harvest i am. i have read anywhere from 13 to 22 weeks of flowering. she does not have any amber trichs at this point. the calyxes are just starting to look full. the buds are getting heavy enough that i have to support some of the branches. so from experience, anyone know if i am 2, 11 or some other number of weeks away from harvest? thanks.IMG_1695a.jpgIMG_1694.jpgIMG_1696.jpgIMG_1697.jpgIMG_1698.jpgIMG_1699.jpg


Well-Known Member
i guess i should give more details. using 4 t5 4 ft high output bulbs. 3 are 2700 k and one is 10000 k with uv a light. i also have 2 150 w equivalent 2700 k cfls bulbs and 2 100 watt equivalent 6400 k bulbs. been using gobox nutes every other watering. molasses/wood ash spiked water when i don't fertilize. just flushed the hell out of the pot yesterday because i can't help myself and leave well enough alone...


New Member
wow yep you have a thai my lucky friend harvest young they'll flower forever,,,,, but you will find a more psychedelic stone when taken young and cured for even just 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
What have you got supporting those massive sideways branches? (I thought the pictures were sideways till I opened them). As they are going to be getting VERY heavy some time soon and for about another 3 weeks or so I would guess. My suggestion would be to not wait for amber on as beautiful a sativa as that. You might wait half a year and end up ruining the weed. As long as there are plenty of cloudy and the buds look 'done' you'll be fine. Properly impressed btw, I love Thai weed, and that plant looks insane.


Well-Known Member
I would get some stakes in there with nails through and tie off those branches to it. Big long running thai buds! :-D


Well-Known Member
i also did lst the plant when she was young and have tried supercropping the tallest branches since. i will get it staked. right now i have opposing branches cobbled together with pipe cleaners.


Well-Known Member
i also did lst the plant when she was young and have tried supercropping the tallest branches since. i will get it staked. right now i have opposing branches cobbled together with pipe cleaners.
Nice one. I thought you must have lst'd. I'm just coming to the end of my first attempt at lst. My biggest sat dom girl has just reached the point of needing support, and I'm sure I'll benefit in yield by giving her what she needs. You're going to yield regardless if they're on sideways branches - but if they're getting support from above too = mega heavy colas. I've got about another week, I think you have probably a little longer. Enjoy! :-)


Well-Known Member
this is my first real grow. i have had a couple of disasters(killed 2 plants when damprid dripped into my runoff and the plants soaked it up) but harvested 3 of 5 plants planted with the thai still going strong. looking forward to the thai since i loved thai stick as a kid. hoping for the taste as much as the buzz i used to get.


Well-Known Member
i cut some buds off from the bottom of the plant that were not really getting much light and dried them in the tent so they had simulated sun. smoked a bit without curing it. it isn't harsh. tastes like home grown from when i was a kid(hay/grass/chlorophyl taste) but has an undertone that i remember from when i smoked sticks in the 70's. the buzz was really nice too. lasted a few hours but allowed me to be sociable too.


Well-Known Member
Glad you enjoyed (better to dry in the dark though) Would love to see finished pics of this! :-)


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow. I have to ask....11 weeks of flowering? I'm sure you've checked your trich's.....how far along are they?


Well-Known Member
bigby - i normally have been drying in the dark but someone suggested drying in the sun to reduce the potentcy. i complained on another one of my posts that what i have grown so far is too powerful for my daytime activities. so this isn't a really good comparison since the other plants i have harvested were indica/sativa mixes and the thai in these pics is pretty much a pure sativa but i figured i'd try it out.

lil roach - the trichs are still predominantly clear. maybe 20% are cloudy if that. only the odd amber here and there. greenhouse says 15 weeks of flowering. this will be 13 weeks approx on thursday(she started to pre-flower maybe a week before i went 12/12). right now she is on rain water with a little molasses for the duration of her lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got a good handle on this. I give you two thumbs up for your patience, although I'm betting you're very tempted to cut a few samples these past few weeks. Nice plant my friend....nice plant....and I like how it's all weighed down.


Well-Known Member
thanks. the weighed down look is a combination of the lst'ing i did when she was young, the supercroppinng i did when she started to get unruly and the shear weight of the colas now. oh, and i have not been totally patient. i had some smaller colas under the big canopy that i figured were a)not getting enough light to become really nice buds and b)were suckinng up energy that could be going into the really nice big buds that i kind of trimmed and sampled. very green tasting but with the thai after taste i remember. nice buzz as well. i will post some pics when i harvest her and report on the smoke as well when properly cured.


Well-Known Member
nice job nice genetics nice pics
buds are not heavy and dense are they
sumone on page one asked about support but not needed is it it holds its own right