Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Ok, are we done with all that? I sure hope so!

Here is the girls that I have going in the tent I had made at the start of my last run. (In case anyone hadn't seen it/them). ;)

Down in the bottom are 6 plants growing, with 1 of them flowering. There is Original Berry(flowering), Casey Jones(going to flower in 4 days), Wild Rose(going to flower in 5 days), Blue Mammoth(auto) will flower when she feels like it! Lol.. Snowcap(vegging) & Critical Jack Herer(vegging). ;)


TryPs N TacKs

New Member
Says the guy whos been asked to leave a dozen times by the owner of the thread. To all reading this; this is why not to do chemical drugs kids :):):)
Your not a criminal your just a nice guy who likes to get high. Not only if you could apply that to others... But you continue to flame someone cause they "got high"

and i agree drugs are bad and a waste of life i learned it the hard way, but fuck no one is perfect


Well-Known Member
Whaaaat? Come on man, you gotta loosen up if you didnt think that was funny. It was at least a 7.5 outta ten, stop grinding your teeth and you might be able to laugh ;)
Either that or he needs to just go ahead & yank those sad looking plants down & pack those bitches in his pipe & smoke um!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Whaaaat? Come on man, you gotta loosen up if you didnt think that was funny. It was at least a 7.5 outta ten, stop grinding your teeth and you might be able to laugh ;)

Shewww! Damn bro, hadn't got to really hollar at you cause of all the BS!! Did you get a chance 2 check out your "porn star bella" a few pg's back?? ;)
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