The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ok... What every ones prediction for legalization / decriminalization here in Irelands???? 5 /10 years???
Personally I can't see it being legalised whatever about anything else.
There's only one politician in the country that wants to legalise it and that's Ming,nobody in Govt. takes him serious anyway.
My guess is the worse gangland gets then maybe the arguement for some sort of legalisation and control becomes stronger and then they might act.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ming ... he`s sold out now i fear... had to really as would/was anyone takeing him seriously in his previous incarnation??? be good if he had some levy to help him push something through the that would open it up, even if we could get medical going here it would be a great start...


Well-Known Member
Dont write ming off just yet... He putting through a private members bill for cannabis decriminalization later in the year... was meant to be in may but has been put back untill october 28th or something like that... sure any debat in the dail is a good thing...


Well-Known Member
ming ... he`s sold out now i fear... had to really as would/was anyone takeing him seriously in his previous incarnation??? be good if he had some levy to help him push something through the that would open it up, even if we could get medical going here it would be a great start...
I read somewhere that he claimed 12k in expenses travelling from his Dublin pad to the Dail so that is definitely selling out.
You are right though if some bit of legislation he put forward went through it would give him a bit of credibility.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that he claimed 12k in expenses travelling from his Dublin pad to the Dail so that is definitely selling out.
You are right though if some bit of legislation he put forward went through it would give him a bit of credibility.
He apparently give half his wages to local charities and thats meant to be why is expences are so high......


Well-Known Member
I think no party wants to be the ones to legalise it because at the end of the day they are thinking this will cost us too many votes in the elections so let the next govt worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if they want the tourism like what's in Holland either if it was legal.
Dont know man.. Less than 30 percent of tourists in holland visit a coffee shop... id say they'd have roughly the same attitude towards tourists smoking that they do with drinking while in ireland.... spend as much as you can and try not to make a cu*t of your self and enjoy your stay!!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ahhhhhhhh... this fucking dog is doing my nut in, the thing has already pissed everywhere, dropped a few tidy little piles, and managed too piss of both the cats ...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
took in some strays this morning, the brother had 4 bag seeds going in the window at home, there quite weak and pale, with a long stringgy stem...lets see if we can get them back on track for him eh...

there good and smelly i`ll give them that, but thats all they have going for them so far, first step will be a feed of n later, going to give them a blast of light first just to help them straighten up as there droopy from the lanky stems, he`s had them going for about 3 weeks but they are small even for that...


Well-Known Member
Beware of the dogs ae, mine loves all things mj. eats any he can get and can smell it from very far away. would make good sniffer dog.


Active Member

Alright lads. Northern Lights clone in the first pic and her mainlined mom in the rest.

Finished my tolerance break and pretty much gave up the smokes the same day. Got one of those ego T pens and hardly no cravings at all.


Well-Known Member
Lovely looking plant there paddy, something to be proud of :) Good job kicking the fags, it's a tough one to beat lol


Well-Known Member
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Alright lads. Northern Lights clone in the first pic and her mainlined mom in the rest.

Finished my tolerance break and pretty much gave up the smokes the same day. Got one of those ego T pens and hardly no cravings at all.
Top man Paddy,really good job there.
Fair play for kicking the fags as well.
Have you a link for that T pen and I'll have a look,I need to quit the fuckers as well.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ok... What every ones prediction for legalization / decriminalization here in Irelands???? 5 /10 years???
Damn didn't realize ireland was so behind on the end of prohibition! In america it depends on where you are at, if your in the south ur f'cked and if your in the midwest ur f'cked except michigan, colorado, montana, and new mexico. west coast is totally cool with it and more north eastern states are getting on the train as well. for medical we have california, oregon, washington, montana, arizona, nevada, new mexico, colorado, michigan, maryland, mass, maine, and I think that may be it. and full legalization in washington which is funny since that was our first president and he grew hemp, and of course colorado!

On another note got my rockwool today and a second pump for draining the res.


Well-Known Member
june 7th is the time to get ur order on free promo's and freebies:

you spend around 150 euro's I bet you end up with around 25 - 30 beans if you play the promo's and freebies right. look at the bottom of the sight and it shows the freebies the reg's are always better quality but you have better luck with fems

I just did an order to see how many I could get (not going to buy them, waiting for june) and came out with 30 beans for 84.57 euro's which is $127.59 not to bad. compared with just buying from local dispensaries I would save a ton of money!!! with the yield but for the mean time I will buy from the dispensaries and smoke on my oz of chernobyl once cured.