Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
i have been down sick too, i have a sinus problem that has got to my ear,teeth and throat, hope you get to feeling better. here's a vid i really like and i guess i live a little like it too. well maybe and really the flag part. now that i watched it hell ol george jones and charlie daniels was in this vid too. their not in the radio version.


Well-Known Member
Yeah boy.. Hey, tried to check into those links, and for some reason it is saying there not good, and won't take me to them. :??: Anyways, I had sent you a few papers on this new "Dyno Grow & Bloom nutes" I was sent for 100% free! Not trying to through off on "MG" at all, but just saying the "Dyno Gro & Bloom" has all 16 + trace minerals in there nutes. Not even 1 is missing from the Grow nor Bloom nutrients. Don't get me wrong, not trying to "advertise" for them or anything, just saying from what I've read & seen grown with this stuff, l really like what I've seen & read!

**Dyna-Gro is more than a fertilizer. Dyna-Gro is a complete nutrient solution "The Nutrition Solution". Ordinary fertilizers are incomplete. Many only contain N-P-K! Some contain additional elements but are still not complete.

Only Dyna-Gro Nutrition Solutions contain all 16 of the minerals essential for optimum plant growth in one, easy to use, liquid concentrate. Omission of any one of these minerals will result in either abnormal growth, the failure to complete all life cycle functions or premature death.

Here is a link to measure the N-P-K and also the ppms. http://www.firstrays.com/fertcalc.htm

Dyna-Gro Bloom Plant Food 3-12-6 Dyna-Gro fertilizers are blended to supply all the known essential plant nutrients in easy-to-use liquid formulations. Bloom is a high phosphorus formula with 6 macronutrients and 10 trace elements. Use it to initiate flowering. It will increase the size, color and number of blooms.

* again * not trying to advertise for "Dyno -Gro". Just really like from what time I've been using it.. ;) Hey! Did you get that bro?? :??:

look at this p.k dank, big colas to.come or what lol
View attachment 2684449View attachment 2684451View attachment 2684453bongsmilie
oh yeah lol call me this.evening if.you arent busy man


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. hope you get 2 feeling better aswell.. Yeah, I stopped puking, so I am good now.. haha.. I hate to puke! Always been like that since a kid! Yeah boy, love some Charlie Daniels! Devil went down to Ga.. Damn good song!
i have been down sick too, i have a sinus problem that has got to my ear,teeth and throat, hope you get to feeling better. here's a vid i really like and i guess i live a little like it too. well maybe and really the flag part. now that i watched it hell ol george jones and charlie daniels was in thi[video=youtube_share;cDm_ZHyYTrg]http://youtu.be/cDm_ZHyYTrg[/video]s vid too. their not in the radio version.


Well-Known Member
it gave you charile? it was suppost to be country boy by aaron lewis. when i click the link it gives me the aaron lewis vid.


Well-Known Member
Here is me replanting the Casey Jones. Couldn't load a dang video for some reason! :??: I even went and tried uploading to youtube! Still wouldn't work! Oh well, I tried to explain each picture, and each step I take with transplanting "any" plant, being ganja, or your houseplants. I use this same method. Its pretty much self explanatory. ;) Just make sure there's NO air pockets around or under the "rootball"! Not good.. :(
I make sure to "pack" the soil nice and snug around each plant.



Well-Known Member
Here they (Wild Rose & Casey Jones) replanted. 06-03. Getting ready to flower in a day or two at most. Going to give them atleast that to bounce back from transplanting. ;)

OH! Almost 4 got to tell y'all! Remember all those email addresses? I received yet another "freebie" today from "smart pots"! ;) thing is they sent me a HUGE 20 gln pot! Lol.. so I do believe I am going to make 2 outta 1 with this big sucker! I will just follow there print, and sow the two back together.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.. I was out working in the garden earlier & took alittle walk into the first part of the outdoor girls. :mrgreen:
Take a look, let me know what you think??

All I've feed them thus far has been "Miracle Gro" (veg) this is all the ones (clones) taken from my previous run. The Royal Queen,Peyote Purple,Tropa Canna Orange,etc'. Going to start "flowering" food here within 2 weeks.. ;) again, keep in mind. This is just the "front" end of the small grow area, I couldn't take a chance of a neighbor seeing me! Gotta get me a set of those "night vision" glasses! 8.95 on Amazon.com! Haha..



Well-Known Member
dank youve got to be kiddin me right, all of them are like thatt????
mother of god almighty lol, they love that mg.. told ya bro. gkad its working for you
what you think of that voodoo, its pretty interesting with all thqt pink,purple and white
ill post a series of pics of that one during flower for ya heres the skunkIMAG0358.jpg
dried and cured, i kow your going to love them lol IMAG0359.jpg ,


Well-Known Member
Yeah boy bro! Its been raining like that here.. ;) tell ya though, I am kinda glad! We sure did need it here. Hell its been so hot the past week, the ground was starting to crack out there! :( so I've been sneaking and watering it at night! Haha.. ;)
Fucking raining here too, the past 2 days, and when it DOES quit for a few hours, it's muggy as shit.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Again sorry 4 me having 2 be away for a few days. Just was broke! Lol.. its all good now. Boy I tell ya though! I've had one hell of alittle vacation away! The other day, on my way to the post office, I got out the car and noticed I had a flat tire going on, and was loosing air really fast! So I had to jump back into the car then head to wal-mart in a hurry! Got flipped off a few times, and screamed at by other drivers! But hey, I had to get there cause I didn't want to ride on the rim anymore then need be! Well got there and was refused service, cause the rim was bent! So they guy told me to grab his sledge hammer and take round the building and knock it out! So needless to say, I saved myself 150$ cost for a new rim! And I left there with a new tire! Haha.. I also had the flu! Bummer.. God I hate to puke! :spew:

Ok, I could go on & on, but enough bout me, and more about the girls! Haha..

Ok, a few new things have went on just the few days being away! I have started a few new strains, as you probley guessed I would. Lol.
A few passed away on me! Both the "Grand Doggy Purps" I started died on me for some reason! :( My Rocket Ranch passed away, and also the Speed Haze! I swear, I hadn't had this many issues in awhile! Its like they just don't want to break outta there shell, & just sit there & rot! Ohwell, I started 2 x Ice, The Purps, Grape Gum, and Jack Diesel. ;)

I am getting ready 2 replant the Sour Blueberry & WW x BB. Also I waited a few extra days on the Wild Rose & Casey Jones. I kinda wanted to do a little video on that for all the "new" growers on how "I" transplant, maybe it will help ya out. ;)
I believe I am going to go ahead & replant the Jack Herer & Snowcap, then flower those aswell.
All the others are picking up slowly but surely! Haha NO where nears as fast as you "Smokey" hell yours is super bloomers! I do believe though once mine gets going real good, they'll bust out some nice cola's! :) I sure hope..

Y'all of them are getting nice top's on them. There really defined when a pic is took of them. I have been bumping up the Phosphorous on them, hoping that will speed things up a bit. Just don't want to get all "rush" & fuck um up! Know what I mean. ? I'm sure they'll do there thing, just in time. Some bloom way faster then others though, a good rule of thumb, and to keep in mind come flower time.

Well, here's the pictures guys. If you have any :??: just hollar.. ;)


OH! HAHA.. I pulled Chemmy Jones outta flowering one day & noticed a little mushroom growing in the soil.. haha.. ;) don't know if its the trippy kind or not. Don't reallt trust to eat it or anything! Lol.. looks cool though..

*Also* idk how all of those email addresses I posted up 4 y'all worked 4 ya. But I can say, they worked GREAT 4 me!! Take a look at all the "freebies" all 4 the asking! I was shipped all for FREE, General Hydoponics "Flora Nova" Grow- Bloom & also Flora Blend & Floralicious Plus.
Also received Dyna -Gro's Grow Plant food, and there Silicon Solution aswell! Its suppose to be some really good shit! I do believe I am going to just "order" a small container of there "Bloom" nute & use there's on a few strains, just as a side exp. Also was given 2 "Humidor Bags" from www.humidipak.com there suppose to preserve the quality of our tree's, also the taste, and oils.. ;) So, I think I got a damn good deal on all that!

Well, would love 2 hear if anyone scored anything from those addresses I provided??

Oh & failed to mention my new little "Dwarf Tomato plant..". ':' she is so cute! She is only 6 to 7 " tall.. and already has little tommy's on her. ;) lol
You know, if you take a black piece of pipe about the same diameter as a 12 ga. shotgun barrel and stick it out the window when people start complaining, it will make a considerable diff. in the negative feedback you are getting.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, yours sure looks it.. lol. I have been bumping up the (P) every feed, and plan on backing off if I see any kind of burn. I've only feed twice with the "super bloom" enhancer I scored from a "Dyno" its suppose to be some really good shit 2 ! It is suppose to also give the plants all the nutrients they need, and they say the roots won't have to "search" and your plants won't get rootbound having to search for nutes, and there Silicon, is suppose to help with "heat& other" stress factors aswell, & even pests! So I do believe I am going to run there bloom, grow, & super bloom enhancer, +cal-mag on a few of the girls, just so to have a side ny side of what nutes work better. So will have Pro-Tekt grow/bloom, & General Hydroponics (Flora Series) that will be testing out.. ;)
This grow, i have been going with a different philosophy......
Not feeding until I see some yellowing, (even though it is still almost every water since I am trying the GH Veg and Bloom) and it doesn't seem to be having any diverse effects, but with the intermittent rain the past couple days, really fucked up my water schedule, and not really watering them, just surface water.


Well-Known Member
A "new" strain in the making.. ;) ok guys I've been wanting to make a new cross to through in the mix now for a good while! :mrgreen: as you may or my not have herd me mention my "Iced Blueberry" I am planning on making, the WW x BB is already growing(seedling) stage, and as you may or may not know I just started 2 x Ice plants. Going to name it "Iced Blueberry". It should turn out to be a damn good strain! I may even turn around and back cross with either a plain WW, or a White Rhino.. What would do you guys think??
Sorry man, but if you haven't read already, my Diesel is a lady, so I won't be able to save you any nanners.:sad:


Well-Known Member
I know this is a few months old, and who am i? But how did the racks work. I have used metal hangers to hang the buds from and have gotten flawless results for years. I tried racks once and got spots on the bud and uneven drying...
This is what I do man, works out well, even in a small closet area.PIC_0165_zps9b52e1e5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dank, did you also get an led light from that list of companies? If so, can we see a pic of it and how long ago was that? It all looks great man. I've talked to the wife and we just may have to make "detour" to Va. It looks as if I have one free day to travel from SC to a nearby spot. If so, have your hiking or running shoes ready. I'd like to go for "nature walks" and checkout your local flora....lol what did you think of the Blimburn Mamba Negra pic a few pages back? Their stuff looks legit and the MN was awesome! I've got more BB strains just begging for a spot in the tent.
I've sent 7 letters out so far man, and every one that has replied, says they cannot send samples due to high demand, and some don't even bother to respond.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I will have to dig for that particular address on the light company. Also on my sd card that has the pics of when I 1st got it.. * almost 4 got! The pics of all that are somewhere in the start, maybe middle of this thread.
And idk about you but I LOVE 2 go fishing! There's tons of super nice fishing holes to go to and land some "huge" catfish!! ;)
Here's a couple quick pics i found of my '07 KFX700, not good pics that do her justice, but I'll keep looking for my good ones.KFXwithpaddles_zps1d39fa0e.jpg
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