The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower:9179571 said:
I gave mine an extra watering this morning, more than usual just home now and the difference in them already, they seemed to like it gonna give one more big one in the next day or two leave to dry out and start on small feeding with different feed one for flowering, so far I've moved them to a better location, added more drainage, kinda flushed them, and everything I've done has done them the world of good, hopefully yours bounce back for ye

didn`t yours have the spotting on the leaves? white spots wasn`t it?
Yeah man like they were fried since I've moved them and did all the above they've sorted out


Well-Known Member
The girs are all a little worse since yesterday but not as bad as I thought.
I decided to give them another day or two before I flus so instead I ph'd some pre-mixed tomato feed for the phos def and washed it in with a half dose of cal/mag so will see how they go.
I'll get up at 5am and get my containers of water up to them anyway.
When I thought of growing outdoors and picked my spot I failed to realise that I would have to flush eventually whether to correct a problem or at the end so lugging a couple of hundred litres of water to them is no fun and very slow,security first though at all costs:)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys who has used Canna Rhizotonic?
I'm thinking if it's as good as it claims it may help my stressed out ladies.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just finished the trimming up on the bubba, its in jars now .. got a little over an ounce and a half from her, not bad considering i gave them little veg (two weeks i think)..

powerplant should be down in a few days aswell, shes just finishing up now with dead and dieing leaves everywhere..

just a note for you md, as they were your beans: not a hard plant to grow, very easy in fact, always kept its lush green and grew in different manners when trained, topping had polar oppisite effects on them, on was tall and one was short, both however produced masses of resin, not hugh colas tho, even with the topping they were all pretty short in comparrison to other strains trained that way, although these other strains were hazes so that could be it....(longer flowering)

these had a short flower on them, with the first tall plant finishing at the end of week 6 and chopped on end week 7, this one got a week longer or there abouts and was really frosty compared to the sister plant....

not a smelly plant by any means, but when you gave them a slight shake they had a wonderful smell...

now there down and dry and in jars... smell is awesome, real dank shit... first joint on its way i`ll let you know how i get on with it....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
whats everyones favorite "terminator" film...??

watching "rise of the machines" and i love they way they have a bit of fun with it, watched the very recent one lately aswell and tought that was a great film...


Well-Known Member
whats everyones favorite "terminator" film...??

watching "rise of the machines" and i love they way they have a bit of fun with it, watched the very recent one lately aswell and tought that was a great film...
I like the first one best before Arnie turned into a pussy:)
Pineaple Express just starting now and I have nothing to smoke while watching it:(

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
watched the resident evil, retribution other day, and tought how the fuck have they manged to squezze yet another one out of it...


Active Member
go on the irish,four boxers in the euro finals would of been five only joe ward dislocated his kneecap in his first fight great achievment for a small country......any of yiz ever smoke pineapple express? i have 5 beans of it germin as we speak ....great film james franco was stoned out his head everyday makin it


Well-Known Member
go on the irish,four boxers in the euro finals would of been five only joe ward dislocated his kneecap in his first fight great achievment for a small country......any of yiz ever smoke pineapple express? i have 5 beans of it germin as we speak ....great film james franco was stoned out his head everyday makin it
I've never smoked it but would like to try it,I was gonna buy some seeds but didn't get around to doing a bit of research on the different breeders.Who's have you got Marley?
Franco looks stoned in it,his eyes are half closed most of the time.

One thing we do well here is amateur boxing and I agree that if Joe's knee didn't give out he would have made the final.

Anyone have any personal experience with Canna Rhizotonic,I'm about to order some bits from the bigshop and was wondering if it is good for stressed plants?