neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup

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New Member

You got some real skeletons in that closet dude, not sure how y'all fit in there
That's why he doesn't answer questions, because he's so fucking scared a skeleton will pop out...



New Member
actually, i took that opportunity to correct your lies and your shitty, horrible english.
-Do you do any charity work, volunteer work etc for the disparaged minorities in your area? Are you improving their socio-economic conditions? With Oregon being a state with 85%> white people to the 2% of Black people....

- Did you have to convert before Ms. hands would marry you?


Ursus marijanus
Guys, it's heating up in here, and I don't want to lose Best-Kept Village to Buford Abbey. Plan on a reopen tomorrow. cn



Well-Known Member
Good morning to you too authoritarian figure that merely temporarily forbids discussions. Voltaire once said, more or less, "Flame on" :fire: nl


Well-Known Member
Yeah like most of the other 41 pages of this thread are. I was j/k... forgot the thread is actually about politics now :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, your juvenile jokes and terrible puns are better reading than the two guys just windmilling and making no contact.
It is like being the best hockey player in Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
Consider the alternative. The other mods simply deleted such threads. cn
Good job. A well deserved "time out" was called for.
However, the very premise of the thread is a platform for ad hominum assaults.
Somewhat entertaining, but largely devoid of substance.

I also believe that actions and words are two very different things.


Well-Known Member
Good job. A well deserved "time out" was called for.
However, the very premise of the thread is a platform for ad hominum assaults.
Somewhat entertaining, but largely devoid of substance.

I also believe that actions and words are two very different things.
You're right. I'm outta here.

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