They'll label him a traitor even though he's not, but it's a horrible double standard that let's politicians and the like leak classified info without consequence but anyone else will see their clearances revoked (career over), investigated, brought up on charges and potentially incarcerated or worse for exposing abuse and corruption... even if you're exonerated (of the usually bullshit charges), having your clearances revoked or suspended is a game changer, you become damaged goods and no one will hire you. You forego all the $$$ you can make in the private sector too...
These whistle-blowers give up everything to expose the abuses and their lives will be forever changed, the stress it puts on the individuals and their families is extraordinary; financially, emotionally & physically it wears them down and to be honest there's no benefit to these people to come forward.
The decisions these men and women have made have not been taken lightly and I applaud and respect them for standing up. Unless you've walked in their shoes, some judgement should be reserved.
Spying on China is nothing new every country spies on every other country, that's what most diplomatic posts are about same with military attachés, plus china can't talk with all the cyber attacks they're behind...