The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
haha I hear ya! Same deal over here. I can't do more than a case though. lol It took forever, but I do know my limits.:grin:



Well-Known Member
Last time I had a case solid was one Super Bowl, don't even remember which one.
Coors Light and 2 pizzas from 6 to 1am, I was drawn out like a dead man stencil on the pavement.
Gone, gone, gone!

Steve French

Well-Known Member
You people must be pretty hardcore to drink 24 beers in one go. Unless you weigh 300 pounds, do it over the course of a whole day, or are drinking american beer.


Well-Known Member
240 lbs. 6'0" Scotch-Irish-German ancestry, Coors Original.
Some people got it, some ain't Jabba.


Well-Known Member
I weight under 150 pounds. It comes from drinking every day for 10 years straight. i quit for 12 years, but now I seem to be back to abusing it on weekends.

...And it is american beer.


Well-Known Member
I only drink because I'm looking for a job and everyone piss tests now.
No, I don't wanna haul around fake piss, or someone else's piss. I just quit for a month and get drunk lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I wouldn't play the fake piss game. I held out for a job that didn't test, and got very lucky. I was so worried I would have to quit mj. Glad to be past that.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Damn fake piss. Heater pad failed to work, not to mention the freaky dance I had to do when it fell out of my gonch and down my pant leg. They caught on. I didn't get a refund.


Well-Known Member
Man I didn't really like him before, same classification as Dreyfuss.
Little goes a loooong waaaayyyy
But damn shit's fucking hilarious tonight man hahaha
Poor meee......

But in Hook and Good Morning Vietnam, he was the shit lol


Well-Known Member
I'm a 12 pack in, and going strong.:-) Who's still with me?



Well-Known Member
haha I had plenty of sleep last night and several great meals today, and I'm ready to go! The bong hits and tunes are what's really making my night.bongsmilie
