The stoned only thread


Well-Known Member
The only problem the world has with alcohol is there is not enough time to be drunk enough.

Anything else is subjective.
No, to me its like cocaine, A little is not enough and enough is way to much. I have boutique psychiatric drugs now. Much better than alcohol.

Every tried Provigil?


Well-Known Member
No, to me its like cocaine, A little is not enough and enough is way to much. I have boutique psychiatric drugs now. Much better than alcohol.

Every tried Provigil?
Nah, I don't go to the doctors unless I'm totally fucked up.

We're real men over here, even with the availability of socialised medicine ;)

I bet you have a "shrink" too?



Well-Known Member
No, no shrink. Just a neurologist, clinical brain science. He specializes in brain trauma.


Well-Known Member
Oh, none taken, I assure you. :) You and I have earned the right to be straight up with each other I think. (the rest, get in line, something good, a head.)


Well-Known Member
Politics is like LSD.... you get into the skizm of the machinery then its all jelly beans from there. Never mind I changed my mind politics is like a crusty j hook. watch out! get it?


Well-Known Member
I say the legislature is the bait, the executive is the hook, and the judiciary has to be paid to even take a look. :)
rather be downs than be like you cockatoo =) =) =) =) =) =) =) oops too many facey!

Im glad I don't have to cite the rules of this thread to you, you're clearly following them ;) Good work.
Cuzz anyone that is as positive as you must be REALLY fucking high!

highlow you dumbass how is your list of citations and other stupidities working out? ticked a few of them off I assume?

this thread receives my first ever one star
should it not be? why should it not be? I can tell you why it should be, but maybe you should decide if you wanna think of some reasons it should not be in politics. Then at the end of the week we can do a vote and see which one of our arguments has majority vote.


Well-Known Member
should it not be? why should it not be? I can tell you why it should be, but maybe you should decide if you wanna think of some reasons it should not be in politics. Then at the end of the week we can do a vote and see which one of our arguments has majority vote.
I asked because this thread's title and contents have fuck-all to do with politics. Stuff like this is normally for TnT. I actually think they have a similar thread there.


Staff member
this thread has NOTHING to do with politics im moving it to TnT carry on folks


Well-Known Member
should it not be? why should it not be? I can tell you why it should be, but maybe you should decide if you wanna think of some reasons it should not be in politics. Then at the end of the week we can do a vote and see which one of our arguments has majority vote.
You seem to think there are rules to threads in Politics, that's why. Or that we vote and have majority rule or any kind of rules like that. Or, to quote my Dutch Uncle Buck, "if you think anyone wins anything in Politics."

This is just about as close to anarchy that is possible, I think.
Let's just close it.

Don't foist this on T & T. :)