Nutty sKunK
Well-Known Member
I didn't accomplish anything today, apart from accomplishing nothing, which I accomplished. So I did accomplish something, which was nothing.
During my packing, I found a smidgen of cocaine. I immediately proceeded to snort said line. Needless to say, I was able to pack at a much more hurried pace from that point forward.
[video=youtube_share;zgXZKPWrcQA][/video]Today I got a spray tan ready for my holiday to Spain on Thursday, I hate being the white person on the beach if your tanned you blend in more. I hate walking onto the beach white because everyone knows your from England.![]()
@echo off
REM open skys the limit 2.0
start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition" STL.exe
@echo off
REM open Halo CE 1.09
start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition" haloce.exe -window
@echo off