Second grow! Still a noob! Come one, come all :)

lol they all looking damn good miz. blue dream looking sexy as ever.
ur plants look mad green and perky the sun must be boss in ur yard.

fuck a tolerance break. everyone would be having a hard time tolerating me
if i took a weed break lol i bet its gonna be awesome when you do smoke again tho.

and those tops look good. congrats on succcessful topping. its hard to make
the fiirst snip on ur baby

one of my pals stopped for 2 and half years he started 2 days ago and man he so funny explaing about all the effects im like i know man ! funny stuff lol :) bongsmilie
lol i took a mandatory year brake cuz i had court appointed drug tests. and i had been smoking every day
for about 4 yrs so guess u can say it was a needed tolerance break. smoked the day i got off testing..... holy shit balls
i was retardedly high, and i have a heart condition that although hasnt affected me in anyway since i was like 4 could
act up and fuck with me randomly so i was all MAD stoned heart beating fast (as it does typically when stoned) and i
told my mom who knows i burn i was like ma... just burned for first time in mad long... feeling like im gonna die, just an FYI lol.

2 hrs a sandwhich, shower, and nap later. i was solid. and have smoked everyday since that day which was 5 yrs ago lol
went out of country for 10 days 2 yrs ago and that was my only brake other than 2 single days i was just unable to burn.
went to canada this yr which is "out of country" but no problem finding Green in the good old Canada.

but good idea no less i wish i could but i smoke like 6x a day and would have real hard time sleeping eating.
ur blue dream gonna get u all types of stoned when you smoke it and it will be all the more rewarding lol
I am thinking instead of flushing my plants every time before harvest (I don't, just use plane water) I will flush myself before each harvest to get the most out of it :)

I'm certainly nowhere near the toker as others here, too much else going on and I am not productive when ripped.
lol i took a mandatory year brake cuz i had court appointed drug tests. and i had been smoking every day
for about 4 yrs so guess u can say it was a needed tolerance break. smoked the day i got off testing..... holy shit balls
i was retardedly high, and i have a heart condition that although hasnt affected me in anyway since i was like 4 could
act up and fuck with me randomly so i was all MAD stoned heart beating fast (as it does typically when stoned) and i
told my mom who knows i burn i was like ma... just burned for first time in mad long... feeling like im gonna die, just an FYI lol.

2 hrs a sandwhich, shower, and nap later. i was solid. and have smoked everyday since that day which was 5 yrs ago lol
went out of country for 10 days 2 yrs ago and that was my only brake other than 2 single days i was just unable to burn.
went to canada this yr which is "out of country" but no problem finding Green in the good old Canada.

but good idea no less i wish i could but i smoke like 6x a day and would have real hard time sleeping eating.
ur blue dream gonna get u all types of stoned when you smoke it and it will be all the more rewarding lol

lol when you smoked on for the first time after the tolarance break youve explained it exact how my friend experienced ha ha and about the heart condition i have one too mate lol i have an enlarged heart also i suffer with serious anxiety and panic attacks weeds the only thing too calm me down only at night time because if i smoke and go within a gropu of people i get the heart fast etc but along comes the panic also ovbiously i get panic without the weed but if i quit for a break and started man i would be ringing 999 (UK emergency services) lol
lol nah i have like PST or something like that. @ times randomly my heart can beat like 250x a minute and feels like a horse
running on my chest. and thats what it felt like because i was STONED lol. no biggy.

and hey miz hope everythings going good. prolly hot as fuck in texass. u need to get ur grow in ur Sig bud, llet them ppl KNow girl! lol
lol nah i have like PST or something like that. @ times randomly my heart can beat like 250x a minute and feels like a horse
running on my chest. and thats what it felt like because i was STONED lol. no biggy.

and hey miz hope everythings going good. prolly hot as fuck in texass. u need to get ur grow in ur Sig bud, llet them ppl KNow girl! lol

pst never heard of i may look that up it sounds crazy dude lol .....
The grow time they list on those autos is insane. I have heard of some pretty good smoke from autos, wont be near the yield as the blue dream, and I bet that BD will always taste best to you since there is some emotional attachment :)

i highly recommend afghan kush ryder auto it strong as fuck :)
sorry its PVST actually Palmanary Ventricular something something lol. its more a risk for young kids and Older ppl.
last time i had an issue was like 18 yrs ago when i was very young
the whole family :)
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the auto AK i topped a few days ago
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the LSD i topped
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the once problematic Royal Bluematic (auto) has grown out if it! woo hoo!
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and the big blue dream up close :D :D :D :D
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happy Independence Day to all you Americans! :) smoke one (or 589498237492837492) for us; we're on a tolerance break:cuss: hahahaha

Thought I'd come back see how it's going. Looking good ! Nice and g[FONT=.HelveticaNeueUI]reen. Blue dream is looking tasty. How far along is it? I don't think I saw you post it anywhere but anyway looking good. Keep it up good luck [/FONT]
sorry its PVST actually Palmanary Ventricular something something lol. its more a risk for young kids and Older ppl.
last time i had an issue was like 18 yrs ago when i was very young

i had a read on it my friend it sounds worse than it actually is lol but is kinda bad cause somthing abnormal is happening if you get what i mean ?.... even in a healthy person which im sure you are theres no treatment needed but something abnormal is happening doesnt that worry you ??? lol peace
o for sure bro im not pleased to have it lol but my doc told me not to drink or smoke cigs or weed.
but ive smoked my fair share of weed. ill worry about it when it happens man. im not gonna worry bout it erry day
for no reason u know?
o for sure bro im not pleased to have it lol but my doc told me not to drink or smoke cigs or weed.
but ive smoked my fair share of weed. ill worry about it when it happens man. im not gonna worry bout it erry day
for no reason u know?

yeah man i just sketch (worry) cause of my condition and thought you may lol look up what i have (enlaarged heart) it also give me something called hypo thyroid lol its crazy shit man i also suffer with panic attacks and on a bad day i feel like im dying and wanna call an ambulance but after a few hours chill im back on my feet yet im getting bad again lately been going out alot so exhaust me alot frustrating cause im so active lol man i need a smoke now ;)
my baddddddddd we had guests this weekend and it has been HELLA annoying... thank GOD they're gone!!!!!!!!! but... that inspired us to put up the grow tent! we also found a new shop today! :D :D super cool peeps. my damn car overheated today so we said fuck the tolerance break and went and got some green lol. we got to talk to our guy about growing... it was pretty cool bongsmilie he always smokes us out a shitload and we got baked as can be! lol

anyway here are a few pictures :D

July7.jpgView attachment 2729121July7ii.jpgJuly7iv.jpg

how do i make a journal? just click on the journal this post thingy? idk man idk... lol
i'll post more pictures in a sec, the Mr. is finishing up setting up the tent as i type!
looking good bud!!! ur lil fam of ladies i love it lol. havin trouble sending pics @ my buddies house i dont have wifi or sumthing. tried to send like 10 pics today but just got 1 of the 40 gal gonna post in a sec. its a perfect sq @ 21inchesx 21 inch lol