To make a legit Alabama kush strain, several strains are needed to endure these hot, humid summers, one season after another. Crossbreeding is a must, and it would need to be outdoors to start out. Then take your seeds from the previous seasons and proceed with an indoor setup, to achieve its capability much quicker, not to mention much more potent. Id start with something like crossbreeding something random like jack frost and mango strains. Just so it can give an aroma of what the air in bama smells like. Swim would love to, but unfortunately Alabama has one sided political views, which is IMO 19th century. The south needs to get over the old religious/conservative ways, hell the whole east coast needs to do what the west has been doing. But that'll happen 20+ years from now lol. "War on drugs" has failed. The meth is atrocious in the south. But, good thing the law is shutting their production down more and more each day. Fuckin tweakers just need some tlc with thc.
Not to mention a metal or wooden pipe, as well as a bong is now a felony to possess is Florida. Guess them good ol pipe smokin tobacco fellers aren't around anymore these days.
Bring real work and genuine people back to the south. Were losing ground to the liberal agenda, before we know it, the south will have no culture other than a bunch of hippies running around with their gay rights picket signs. We don't need gays round here. That shit stays on the west coast, no offense. We get our asses whipped as kids. Were raised better than what we see today. And anyone can agree with that last sentence.
First time poster, thought id climb aboard with a bang.
Im off to enjoy what little bud I have.