Flowering with Cree bulbs


Well-Known Member
Day 35,36" tall so no vertical growth just putting on bud.Well I've had to add another stake and basically tie off every branch because she can't support her own weight.At this rate if this goes 65 days I'll probably have to support some of her from above.I seem to have the mag def under control after flushing with 7 gals of ph'ed water and some camg+.



Well-Known Member
Careful Captain M. I heard Blackstar have put a bounty on yer head to stop this grow! Their ninjas will find you soon! LOL.

This is shaping up real nice for what it is. Plus rep to the Cap'n! Great grow.


Well-Known Member
Yea,I'm pleasantly surprised at this.I was thinking it would do ok but this is way more than I expected.I have a friend with the same cut under 1000 HPS and he told me mine puts his to shame,who would of thought.


Well-Known Member

I just love being out there where few have the foresight to tread

Come by and see how awesome the 4ft tubes are doing. I posted 2 new pics this morning


Well-Known Member

I just love being out there where few have the foresight to tread

Come by and see how awesome the 4ft tubes are doing. I posted 2 new pics this morning
I follow all your threads Pet but I guess I don't always chime in so I might not be subscribed.


Well-Known Member
what was your total wattage again bro? ...lookin great too buy the way! getting smell much? frost? winning!


Well-Known Member
what was your total wattage again bro? ...lookin great too buy the way! getting smell much? frost? winning!
188 watts of Cree bulbs,152 watts of 2700k and 36 watts of 5000k with a 730nm flower initiator at lights out.I get a nice aroma when opening the cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Lookin bómb.

Hey are those lamp holder / adapters on your ceiling from that same lamp site? I couldn't find anything like those on there.


Well-Known Member
Wow now that's sexy. You are stoked!

Those penetrate very well and from a good distance too.


Well-Known Member
This is a cut from a friends plant that had to go 65 days to finish under a 1000 watt HPS.At day 49 it doesn't look like this will need to go another 16 days.Thought I read somewhere that the 730 nm can also shorten the flower cycle.I'm wondering if I should drop from 13/11 to 12/12 to make her finish stronger.


Well-Known Member
Hiya Captain! I'm on my first run of a 420-Pontoon combo 14/10 flowering cycle with the GSC. I can't state conclusively yet that the 730 at lights out has gotten me a sooner finish but I do think, at least on the GSC, the flip should go 12/12 until you see pistils then move up to a 14/10 in gradual increases 15 minute increases. When I flipped to a 14/10 it took 2 weeks for the GSC to show pistils. Your garden is looking good bro!


Well-Known Member
Hiya Captain! I'm on my first run of a 420-Pontoon combo 14/10 flowering cycle with the GSC. I can't state conclusively yet that the 730 at lights out has gotten me a sooner finish but I do think, at least on the GSC, the flip should go 12/12 until you see pistils then move up to a 14/10 in gradual increases 15 minute increases. When I flipped to a 14/10 it took 2 weeks for the GSC to show pistils. Your garden is looking good bro!
Thanks chaz,what do you think about going back to 12/12 the last 10 to 14 days?I just put some pics up of my blueberry skunks mainlined under induction and T5's in another section,check those beauties out.



Well-Known Member

IMHO, lowering amount of day light will key them that it's time to hurry up and finish. I drop from 12/12 to 11/13 and during the last 5-7 days 10/14