well looks to be another sleepless night for me, not the heat thats bothering me neither, my temps are at 29 now was the usual for this tima night, the poor 4 inch is trying its hardest, ill give it an easier job when i get my rvk, turn the little budget fan an filter into a carbon scrubber, dont want no neighbors talkin bout weed smells this time around, last round i had my neighbor talking to me, he said he thought downstairs were growing it, i just told him i was smoking in the house and bangin on how i never smoke in the house when ofc i do, he asked ifit was cheese i was smokin i was just like yep yep and yep, good thing he got a kid or hed be in me house smokin my stash the nosey cunt.
This time i cant afford to let his fuckin stuck up bitch cunt whore of a girlfreind even get a scent of my goodness, long story short my dog attacked her dog for being a cunt and she realy dont like me anymore, clumsy bitch even dobbed us into the council for "not picking up dog shit in the garden" she wernt pleased when she found out it was when her boyfreind let the dog out to the garden LMFAO their poor dog is sat indoors allday ery day, gets a walk every nownthen, hear the fuckin bitch leaving it locked out on the balcony and if u dont know the size of the balconies ill put a pic up ull get the general idea.
nevermind the plants, thats my tip up of a balcony hers aint any different, might be abit tidy, and dog shyt stains all over the place cuz it dont get out, i just had to laugh when she came to the door complaining about dog shit cuz i seen her bf out there everyday ignoring it, and my dog dont even get in the back garden so wtf