my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
I am posting here because I feel very safe with ss answers ..... I need to flip my 12-12 on to the normal dark cycle, what is the best way as to not shock the girls? 5 weeks in


Well-Known Member
Nike said it best, just do it. I do my work at night after lights come on and that is when i move in new units. They get 8-10 hrs of strong hps then start dark cycle.


Well-Known Member
maybe I stated it wrong I need to change the time on by like 12hours example lights on 7am to 7pm dark 7pm to 7am change to lights on 7pm to 7 am dark 7 am to 7 pm they installed smart meters on our street approx. 2 months ago and my bill soared so need to change my light cycle to take advantage of the cheaper night time rates


Well-Known Member
yeah psi, there is really no way to ease into it, but i dont know if a 24hr dark period or a 24hr light period would be better.


Active Member
Yeah, the longer dark period would be better because the plant's internal chemical signal to switch from veg to flower is triggered by the length of the uninterrupted dark period. Saw pictures of people walking around in cannabis fields at night, with lights, in order to delay the onset of flowering.

Ski Mask Way

Active Member
Hey SuperStoner I dont know if its appropriate to ask in this thread or not. But the collars that you used to make is there a link where I can buy them online? or maybe an updated email address to send payment for them?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, not a lot going on lately, but big things are getting ready to happen. Just finished my organizing phase and construction begins next week on new veg room and doubling of flower room. Will be a 5x10 veg/clone room and an 11x 10 flower room (up from 6x10).
The goal is to add another 1k and another rail unit and harvest every two weeks but to start I will still run the 3k with 3 expanded units with each being about 14-16" wider than they are now giving them a 48x52" footprint.
I also have 3 new strains popped and will be posting pics of them and construction. The big pain in the ass will be removing the wall that currently seperates the flower and veg rooms because i have everything mounted to it, minisplit, co2 gen, electrical outlets, fans, light hoists, etc.
Ski mask, just pm me on collars. I still do them for a bunch of repeat customers but have not been looking for new ones, after making the first 100k i kinda got tired of making them.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm here too, but will lose a week cause I've used up all the excuses for spended hours upstairs to my mom:) took here back to her house yesterday so I should be able to get back on schedule!! If she gets sick again i will just have to tell her and make her my helper:) she would actually be a great helper if she could get over the fact that it is weed:):)
You think you hated trimming every three weeks SS, you are gonna REALLY hate it every two weeks:):):) got what appears to be two different phenos on the Skunk #1 and they both look promising!!!!


Active Member
Ya know, if only I could figure out what it is that I do right on some plants, I swear I could could get 45-50 oz per 1000w!!! I know the shit that I have done wrong, but knowing exactly what I did right is the problem, if that makes any sense:):)


Active Member
Gonna place a new order today, Kushberry, Kandy Kush, (per StinkBud:)), Critical Hog, Hog, and Chronic! Trying to find a better Hog that is easier to grow cause it is my peeps favorite! And a Chronic that has better weight!


Well-Known Member
Gonna place a new order today, Kushberry, Kandy Kush, (per StinkBud:)), Critical Hog, Hog, and Chronic! Trying to find a better Hog that is easier to grow cause it is my peeps favorite! And a Chronic that has better weight!
Cool, cool, and cool. Been wanting the kandy kush also.