Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
lol, Bee numbers are in a major decline.
One of my good friends is a bee farmer, my brother is a grain farmer.

I spend allot of time with both of them and I listen when they talk to me
from their experience.

Of course living in a heavily concentrated farming community they are not the only
farmers I know or have close relationships with.

This thread is rather humorous.
I was kidding abt the bees man...im sure theyre in trouble just like the rest of us....


Well-Known Member
Yep, without honey bees we're pretty much fucked. And they're dropping dead by the tens of millions all over the place.
they put screens over the trees here that were sprayed by a pesticide that was causing the bees to die.

maybe it's all just a conspiracy that they want the honey bees alive as well, right?


Well-Known Member
What is the significance of the Fibonacci number? I realize that it's found in variety of different natural things, but what does it all mean or what do most people think it means?
to me it proves creation...a "grand design" if u will...its not all a coincidence....of course they would never want u to figure this out in school itd go against everything they were teaching u.


Well-Known Member
All u have to do is take a look around this planet and realize human beings are the only creatures out if place in this world....period


Well-Known Member
'Conspiracy theorist' doesn't even mean anything negative. The reason people associate conspiracies with fraudulence is because of the propaganda and bullshit portrayed by the mainstream media.
the "mainstream media" predicted the outcome of the election to perfection using math and science.

the same math and science usually provides routine destruction to most of the theories espoused by the conspiratorial types of the world.

if you guys kept on being right, there would be less negative connotation to your label. but instead you guys keep howling about the fake moon landing, and super secret nano thermite, and gay communist hitler fluoride babies.

if they were really trying to poison us with fluoride, wouldn't they have revised the number for drinking water up instead of down? that they revised the number downwards just recently due to more topical uses of fluoride is evidence that the communists are not trying to make our babies gay with fluoride.


Well-Known Member
the "mainstream media" predicted the outcome of the election to perfection using math and science.

the same math and science usually provides routine destruction to most of the theories espoused by the conspiratorial types of the world.

if you guys kept on being right, there would be less negative connotation to your label. but instead you guys keep howling about the fake moon landing, and super secret nano thermite, and gay communist hitler fluoride babies.

if they were really trying to poison us with fluoride, wouldn't they have revised the number for drinking water up instead of down? that they revised the number downwards just recently due to more topical uses of fluoride is evidence that the communists are not trying to make our babies gay with fluoride.
The same power ppl own the companies putting flouride in their product....so they were able to down the amnt in the water....theyre stil giving us an ample dose im sure


Well-Known Member
And flouride is just such a small piece of the equation....I see ur point it does go hand in hand w the moon shit...and yes there are enuf foolish conspirators to label us all in a bad way....I think theyre purposely planted by the man...actors if u will...to tarnish the rep


Well-Known Member
If in fact fluoride % was lowered you can bet it's a smoke screen

They no longer need to use vaccines as they have nano-particles which they mix into just about everything we buy that isn't organic


Well-Known Member
And flouride is just such a small piece of the equation....I see ur point it does go hand in hand w the moon shit...and yes there are enuf foolish conspirators to label us all in a bad way....I think theyre purposely planted by the man...actors if u will...to tarnish the rep
now, even conspiracy theorists are a conspiracy theory.



Well-Known Member
some of them very well could b impostors meant to plague the scene...misinform mislead etc....cause doubt w foolish stff...thats what id do if I was them.
the term you are looking for is cointelpro. alex jones is a good example. Type in alex jones debunked into google


Well-Known Member
the term you are looking for is cointelpro. alex jones is a good example. Type in alex jones debunked into google
I suspected such...david icke as well....he claims to channel thru spirits/beings for info...thats very hypocritical of him as he harps on them for the same....communicating w the dead or things from another realm if possible def is demonic in nature and we're not sppsd to do shit like that....that opens doors into ur spirit for all kinds of nasty shit....scoff at that shit if u want too....spiritual warfare is very real.
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