Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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New Member
Im not claiming to know for sure about many things but can someone tell me when it became cool to believe big corporations every word or the fucking governments bullshit ? The burden of proof rests on the defenders of business and corporations as they have a bad track record of caring about the people they market their shit too. Imo

"I choose business ethics" billy madison


Well-Known Member
Im not claiming to know for sure about many things but can someone tell me when it became cool to believe big corporations every word or the fucking governments bullshit ? The burden of proof rests on the defenders of buisness and corporations as they have a bad track record of caring about the people they market their shit too. Imo
You're libertarian buddies would have this country handed right over to corportations taking away any governmental oversight and recourse against them. Sounds like a solid plan.

And what kind of music do you listen to anyway? Listening to another race's music makes you a traiter to your own? That's some fucked logic dude.


Well-Known Member
Just read the thread. Plenty of proof that conspiracy theorists are nuts.

And you have it backwards. Conspiracy theories are wrong, therefore people that believe in them and perpetuate them are unintelligent and easily duped.
How do you know anything you said to be true? you speak about people you do not know, in general absolution. Pardon me, but you are wrong. Going from some to all is the basis for thought patterns like sterotypes, racism, and a lot of bullshit. It is improper reasoning. You cannot assume I am anything but curious as to hear where the wisdom people have is. I read the thread and call it as I see it comment by comment. Back up and just take your intellect seriously.


New Member
Not a libertarian kkkinetic. I said i cant identify with bob. Its like calling bob a racist if he didnt like death metal.... Solid point kkkinetic


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is illegal in far more countries than GMO is. Does that mean marijuana is bad?
No but scientific evidence proves that marijuana isn't bad and in fact is a cure for many, many disease (which is why it's illegal because big pharma would suffer mightily). When it comes to GMO's, it's the exact opposite, scientific evidence proves it's extremely detrimental. To answer what my concerns are... Contamination of the soil, the destruction of nature (when honeybees try to pollinate GM crops, they die, when animals eat them, their health is destroyed), the health of humanity, the fact that zero long-term studies have been done, the fact that many Monsanto executives also have positions with the U.S. government.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
How do you know anything you said to be true? you speak about people you do not know, in general absolution. Pardon me, but you are wrong. Going from some to all is the basis for thought patterns like sterotypes, racism, and a lot of bullshit. It is improper reasoning. You cannot assume I am anything but curious as to hear where the wisdom people have is. I read the thread and call it as I see it comment by comment. Back up and just take your intellect seriously.
Did you read the thread? jtprin is certifiable. He is a stereotypical conspiracy theorist.


New Member
I just dont get how its bad to question everything especially the corporate medias story or the feds. Free thinking . Why shouted down without any justification is beyond me. I try to always see all the sides of a story not just people with the most money must deserve to be on top mentality.


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy theorists is a word used by people who are close-minded and believe everything the government tells them. They question nothing and accept all the bullshit being fed to them solely because the government tells them it's fact. Obama said before he got elected that he would make mandatory GM labeling laws because "Americans deserve to know what's in their food"... and then he signs the Monsanto protection act. Presidents are puppets and the Federal Reserve has way more control than our government does and nobody can audit them even though they control our money. Research the Bilderberg group with an open mind, which isn't even a conspiracy because they meet every single year, and there is tons of footage.


Well-Known Member
No but scientific evidence proves that marijuana isn't bad and in fact is a cure for many, many disease (which is why it's illegal because big pharma would suffer mightily). When it comes to GMO's, it's the exact opposite, scientific evidence proves it's extremely detrimental. To answer what my concerns are... Contamination of the soil, the destruction of nature (when honeybees try to pollinate GM crops, they die, when animals eat them, their health is destroyed), the health of humanity, the fact that zero long-term studies have been done, the fact that many Monsanto executives also have positions with the U.S. government.
Marijuana being illegal is not a health issue. It poses a threat to timber, cotton, fossil fuels, pharmaceutical, and other corporate interests.


New Member
No kkkinetic i like punk rock like bad religion and penny wise alkaline trio the unseen senses fail punk rock of all shades. Damn you and buck know more nazi shit than i do. Can you send me some of your nazi punk i heard it sucks. But as a true american i guess i better listen before i arrive at a conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Research the Bilderberg group with an open mind, which isn't even a conspiracy because they meet every single year, and there is tons of footage.
Do you know what a conspiracy is? Them meeting every year would in fact point to a conspiracy moreso wouldn't it? lol


Well-Known Member
No kkkinetic i like punk rock like bad religion and penny wise alkaline trio the unseen senses fail punk rock of all shades. Damn you and buck know more nazi shit than i do. Can you send me some of your nazi punk i heard it sucks. But as a true american i guess i better listen before i arrive at conclusion.
I got some Hitler stamps, do you want to buy them?


New Member
Touche.. My green rectangle turned red... Uh oh sheep are winning... I like how the day i made the most rational viable points i get the worst rep ... Lol i guess ide have to give a fuck


Well-Known Member
Did you read the thread? jtprin is certifiable. He is a stereotypical conspiracy theorist.
I read enough....skipped the digressions whenever possible. You have to see some irony here. I am to come to your conclusions? I like intellectual honesty. I like my honest questions answered. Jtprin is allowed that right as are you.


Well-Known Member
How am I a conspiracy theorist? Because I question everything and if I see bullshit, I call it out? Why would you not question everything regardless of who tells you?
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