OP! CHOEMPI!! I have a TON of questions to ask you, so please respond so that I know you are still here!
I've done the legendary PF tek BRF jars last year, only yielding a minute amount (26g dry).
I know my stuff when it comes to science, I am a bio major at a university and mushrooms are my thing now. My buddy and I are teaming up to do bulk and I have some very specific questions I need you to answer!
Q1: I see how you pasteurize your sub, hot boiling water. My question is, what is your ratio of hpoo, verm, coir and do you use gypsum?
Q2: according to your tek, you do a sequence of grain and substrate to a T that ensures quality growth. What is the difference of substrate and a casing?
Q3: I'm confused on the part about when "fruiting" should begin. You don't go into much detail about this, but I'm wondering, after you stick it all in your tub, holes in it and everything... And the 10 days go by.... Please describe to me what I must do WHEN the 10 days are up. It sounds like I take it out of the garbage bag to let FAE occur and then proceed to let pinning set..... But I'm confused about this. Maybe I just need someone to better explain what happens after those 10 days are up.
The answers to my questions would be greatly appreciated if you could respond back... I know how busy you are tripping on shrooms and whatnot....