no increased yield using seimen, help


Well-Known Member
We never found out if it was fact or fiction. the kid never returned. I believe the Thread has since been taken over for Humor purposes only. :)


Well-Known Member
I just realized something. You said earlier the MODS removed a photo you had posted??? AND THEY LEFT THE THREAD OPEN?!?! lol


Well-Known Member
are you asking if there are GPS tags tracking your moves because you post pics from a phone?
Is that shit even real?


Well-Known Member
I had one of a chick with huge tits (had top on) and it said "I'm fapping, create your own funny line" that got deleted. I think its just smut/borderline porn. which I agree is not particularly needed.


Well-Known Member
well the iphones and what not i know have a disable option for the gps stamp, but i wouldnt use my phone, just wondering about ip addresses etc. i been wanting to post pics of my puny 4 plant grow but where i am is not necessarily encouraged to grow...or sell or buy...but am i just being to cautious? better safe then sorry? i dont knooo


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever reported being busted by posting pics on riu? And I'm sure they would go for the bigger fish if it actually happened. just don't post pics of your 10,000 plant illegal indoor operation, u know just in case.


Well-Known Member
You don't really think everybody here lives where growing is "Encouraged", do you?;-)
Ya, it's safe dude.
I use Photobucket myself.