Last time I got pulled over I was going VERY FAST. lol He clocked me at 72 in a 35.
and when he clocked me I was on the breaks... I didn't even have him behind be for almost a mile..
and he's like, "Do you know how fast you were going?????" and me "well yes officer I do but I am CERTAIN that you do NOT know how fast I was going."
we actually laughed about it talked for a minute(I was on my way to his police station to pick up 2 girls who had been arrested for stealing from the mall)
and then he gave me a ticket(59 in a 35) and 75mph escort to the cop shop.

I drove slow home. hahahaha
I told the "judge" if you can call the dude that, what happened and everything I explained that I was sorry but it was 4am,
NOONE was on the road. my foot was on the gas and I never really looked at my speed until I saw I was doing about 70(99

hit the breaks slowed to about 55 in the end before I noticed the cop behind me... blah blah blah. dropped the ticket and $25 court fee and let me go with NOTHING. Idiot cop could have bagged him a good catch if he opened his eyes and say I was drinking SPARKS hahahahahahah