The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
u pussys, i wait till its at least halfway thru WILLPOWER GODDAMIT!!!!!

now who the fuk is giving free weed away and why the FUK was i not informed! but its cool,, il remember, 8 ish weeks aint long.......


Well-Known Member
how com folks is smoking the same shit on 2 diffrent islands then? meh nm,, lol,,

ps4 sly bastards 13dec release date, thats sly as fuk


Well-Known Member
how com folks is smoking the same shit on 2 diffrent islands then? meh nm,, lol,,

ps4 sly bastards 13dec release date, thats sly as fuk
Its cos some of us stick out hands in our pockets and pay for shit every once in a while ye miserable fucker ye lol, after puttin out an O in bags I made enough for an O to smoke for free, cany beat that with a big stick lol


Well-Known Member
Its cos some of us stick out hands in our pockets and pay for shit every once in a while ye miserable fucker ye lol, after puttin out an O in bags I made enough for an O to smoke for free, cany beat that with a big stick lol
u never said u ad owt for sale, pfft,, fuk buying street deals id have had a lil,, did kode buy some then? soudned like u had same shit


Well-Known Member
u never said u ad owt for sale, pfft,, fuk buying street deals id have had a lil,, did kode buy some then? soudned like u had same shit
shit ice beleive me you had a let off there not buying any off mg at his fucking prices lmfao

kode had a small .3 joint of blackwidow and a lil bit of early blueberry, i felt sorry for the poor shit after seein how fuck ugly he really is and them muscles that look like they could snap at any minit lmao


Well-Known Member
u never said u ad owt for sale, pfft,, fuk buying street deals id have had a lil,, did kode buy some then? soudned like u had same shit
Tbh mate I only worked it so I could get a bit for mesel and I know u wouldn't pay 50 for 3g...well 2.8 cos I'm a lyin cunt lol. No kode ain't got it off me m8. Im not buyin street bits either, just tryin to make a bit of an o here and ther to keep mesel in smoke. Are u out altogether m8? A friend that I set up still has the exo and psycho in flower remember I told u about....that'll be ready in a couple weeks I think 3 max, he'll sort me then so ill sort u a little too if I can m8


Well-Known Member
Was over the new flat decorating yesterday an it turns out the bellend in the flat below is blatantly growing without filters (or carbon in em needs replacing) so is stinking up the whole block, bit dubious now whether its better to go down n have a word with the twat ( give him the heads up that he is being a penis not go down there n kick off at him) or just leave it n hope when the boys in blue turn up with their shiny red key they actually get the right door n sort it n not get the flat above him (mine) mistakenly because as we all know the Police arent the sharpest tools in the box these days.

What ya reckon lads? If you were growing would you want some stranger turning up at ya door n telling ya ur being a twat n stinking place out??
Yeh do what kode said lLol u sure he growing and just aomt smoking???? Yehbdonwhat kode said print A pic of a rhino filter and post it under his door lmao


Well-Known Member
shawny, are you related to an old user called Chedz? I also couldn't make much sense of what he posted, and he was forever posting his pics sideways.......:)


Well-Known Member
shit ice beleive me you had a let off there not buying any off mg at his fucking prices lmfao

kode had a small .3 joint of blackwidow and a lil bit of early blueberry, i felt sorry for the poor shit after seein how fuck ugly he really is and them muscles that look like they could snap at any minit lmao

Laughed out loud to that hahahahahaha so the ugly little cunt giving you the gun show aswell lmao funnynshit


Well-Known Member
shawny, are you related to an old user called Chedz? I also couldn't make much sense of what he posted, and he was forever posting his pics sideways.......:)
Lol aahhhhhh shut up ya dick lmao i rotate them nut they still come on sideways fuck knows Lol and no theres only one bizzle ;)