High CBD


New Member
Please don't flame me for this, I am naive to the scene in CO.

I'm growing several different cbd crew seeds atm (which are all 1:1), but I'd like to get a proven high cbd only clone. I have a family member with parkinson and a very close friend with crohn's and want to help them by growing cbd buds.

I'm not living in CO, but will be visiting soon. So what is it like there, is it possible for me easily find what I'm looking for? Can out of staters purchase from dispensaries? Thanks in advance! Much respect to Colorado growers and smokers! lots of love from tx.



Well-Known Member
You need a red card to buy from dispensaries and you need to be a resident to obtain one. If you know some one with high CBS strains good. If not I'd suggest ordering them off sow or attitude


Active Member
The biggest risk with CL is getting mite infested plants. Unless you are selling weed, then all bets are off and you should wear clean underwear in anticipation of being booked into jail. Driving home across Kansas would be a risk also, not to mention TX. I understand that WY says that there is probable cause to search a vehicle if it has CO plates.

What strains are you growing from CBDcrew? Would love to learn more about their plants and if you can pass along any tips regarding high CBD plants. I am planning to pick up up Harlequin next week, have a couple Meltdowns from 303 seeds about to start flower and am looking forward to maybe growing an Otto from Centennial. The new laws have not been implemented yet so there is no recreational weed available in dispensaries, but the CL sellers are going nuts, offering everything you can imagine.


New Member
I'm trying out cbd yummy and z-7. They're still in veg state, so I can really say much about them except for the yummys have been very vigorous from the start and the z-7 seems to be more wanting to branch out. Those meltdown sound sweet. There will be some nice flavors from those, I've read there is some berry smelling z-7 s and some citrus ones as well. Selection will be important to find one with the right amounts of cbd and thc though. I have some z8 x afghan haze and some cbd2 test seeds that are going to have some interesting ratios too, but I want to find a high cbd clone first to get meds to the patient as quick as I can.


Active Member
2 Meltdown seeds made it thru veg and are now in 12/12 flower. They are both the runts of my current grow but do look healthy enough. They are the shorties in front, the back row is Sour Kush and Kandy Kush. The SK turned out to be a male and got pulled today and replaced with a Blueberry that was cloned from my first BB grow and is smelling good in cure.

Are you planning to have anything tested? I have seen several posts that the plants with purple stems tend to be higher in CBD, not sure about your particular strains, but in general. I'll post up results with the Meltdown, good luck with yours!
7-29-2013 SK.jpg


New Member
I'd like to have them tested but there's no easy way to do that here, so I'll have to figure that out when the time comes. The at home type of tests seem to be a fairly rough estimate on cbd and thc but don't seem to reliable compared to a lab of course. Right now I'm getting a few clones of each one before flipping to 12/12.


Active Member
you can order tga's new Pennywise from the depot and the tude. its a Harlequin cross and has tested at levels of 15% CBD


Active Member
I just made a drop to Altermeds this week and gave them a bunch of promo packs so if you go grab an ambulance or meltdown you will get a free pack of the CBD purple diesel cross known as kindness


Active Member
I've tried all of the CBD strains in Colorado that I could find.

If you are only interested in THC, then just ignore this.. CBD strains are a new thing and are valuable only to some people.

Basically there are like 4 Markers for CBD strains..
And if you are really looking for CBD, only a couple of these will be viable.

Very High CBD - very Low THC (R4, Charlotte's Web, Israel Strain) 19:1
High CBD - Low Thc (Harlequin, CBD3:1) Around 2-3:1
High CBD - High THC (Purple Diesel, Panasea, Cannatonic, LucaBrasi) 1:1
Low CBD - High/Very High THC (Krypto) 1-2:3

Here's what I've found...
Currently, if you get any seeds that say CBD, you are going to be gambling and probably wont get what you want. The odds for a high cbd strain are not in your favor. And you'd have to test to ever actually find out... but maybe you get lucky.

It would appear that many of the quality cbd strains were general anomalies. IE Harlequins parents had no CBD at all. So these strains are Genotypes, clone only strains... seeds dont exist.

Then, when it comes to effects... If you are truly looking for a dominant CBD effect you probly want: Very High CBD - very Low THC OR High CBD - Low Thc.
These strains are perfect... and do not come with a heavy "Head Change".
For me, anything else was way to strong on the THC end.. but thats very subjective.

I'd love to get a Very High CBD - very Low THC stain, but who knows when someone will actually release one to the people.
-Greenwerkz said in 6 months they might start releasing clones.. but I doubt it.
-Kind love does occasionally have clones.. never seen a CBD one, but their CBD strains were to strong on the THC side anyway. (edit: actually Panasea was rather mild.. favorite of the KL CBDs)

So looks like currently harlequin is the only stable, available clone...

Really hope to find some more, but harlequin is definitely special..

Anyone seen other clones around?



New Member
Thanks for the breakdown Multipass. From what I already have, I think I'll get a good high thc/cbd 1:1 from the cbd yummy and z7 seeds. I also have some z8 x afghan haze that will probably have some high thc/low cbd plants along with 1:1's.

But the one thing I don't want to search through seeds for... is a very high cbd / low or no thc plant. I know some of the patients are going to want to medicate without getting stoned. Personally I think I'll like the ones with the most thc.

I thought I read that the R4 clone was already available.



Active Member
I thought I read that the R4 clone was already available.
They "Open Sourced" their strain... and are handing out/selling "r4 seeds". Not much is known about them though..
My R4 bags i bought had seeds in them.. so I technically have some r4 seeds i might try sometime. Also leads me to think that the r4 clone is a natural hermie... or it was pollinated

They have not given out clones..... yet


Active Member
Hey Multi, great post. Have you seen any of these plants? I have read that purple stems are a possible indicator of high CBD. Also, I tried both Lucy and Panacea, liked the Lucy, not so much the Pan, it was just not good tasting to smoke and the effect was too weak, even for a lightweight. The Lucy was a mild high and good pain relief, but unless every plant gets tested there is no way to ensure that the next batch will be the same.