Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Yes, it is theft. When you get paid, do you care where the funds came from or do you just take it like everyone else and pay your bills?
Well, I get drunk from time to time and a lot of drunk drivers kill a lot of innocent people. Does that also mean that I have contributed to vehicular homicide because I drank a bottle of jack?
I actually grew up saying sir and ma'am and most people have higher ups that they have to deal with.
Because I'd have to risk going to prison each time that I did it and the latter provides me a steady cash flow with federal government into the 6 digit range and no jail time.
We could seriously do this all day.
Doing business with thieves is something I try to avoid.
Getting drunk is your choice. Who you associate with is too.
If you believe that thieves are your "higher ups", then call them sir. Heck, call them master if you like.
So your morality is based on "legal" and illegal" rather than right and wrong? Well be safe and don't kill too many babies. If you do, make sure they're bad babies, you know the kind that want to steal your freedom.