Pullag poll: Should the US intervene in Syria?


Facts on the matter:

Thousands of Syrians within Damascus arrive or are otherwise transported to hospitals. They show no wounds or signs or struggle, but are convulsing, have contracted pupils, show severe lung damage, or are dead outright.

John Kerry announces that the videos posted on youtube and elsewhere that show the alleged chemical attack are real. He states that Obama's "red-line" has been crossed, and that it is a near certainty that the Syrian government is responsible.

For those signing the UN Non-Proliferation Treaty (this includes the US), the use of WMD's on one's own people mandates retaliatory action.

US forces are already in actionable positions thruought the Middle East and Europe, due to the war in Afghanistan and counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency efforts.

Do you believe the US should intervene in the Syrian civil
war to identify and punish/eliminate the perpetrators of this, and likely other, chemical attacks? If so, how do you think that response will be conducted? If not, what role will, or should, the US and the UN take on Syria?


Well-Known Member
Is this thread flippin serious? Obama gives a damn about the UN, as much as he cares about Congress, separation of powers, state's rights, and the constitution.
So Obama is going to do what any other narcissistic demigod would do.-----> Whatever the hell he wants.
And then you will be told by the media that he did what you wanted him to do. That way you can sleep easier at night knowing the truth; even though its a lie. Never have to worry about right and wrong. Just wait for authority to tell you whats what. Like little puppets. Little sock obama puppets. With bobble heads. Lots and lots of kool-aid drinking bobblehead drones. With drool dribbling from your chin. But don't worry. You never need to use your brain. You never need to worry...

stoned cockatoo

New Member
wheres the poll at??

I'm leaning towards muslim brotherhood are attempting a false flag that is going to fail, al-Assad cant be that dumb,

no doubt both sides are going to be letting more chems fly soon


New Member
No intervention, the ongoing US support to jihadists such as AQ & Jabhat al-Nusra is largely to blame for the escalation in Syria. See what happens when Obama and Co decide to provide material support to terrorist groups? This is, in part, what the Benghazi cover is about - CIA shipping Libyan arms to Syrian "rebels" via Turkey and Jordan

Syrian rebels to start receiving US weapons amid anxiety from Congress

UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Testimony from victims of the conflict in Syria suggests rebels have used the nerve agent, sarin, a leading member of a UN commission of inquiry has said.
Syrian Rebels Told John McCain About Assad's Chemical Weapons Use

That seems like a reliable source, Islamic terrorists... Yeah we can trust what they have to say...

Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria

According to a report in Turkey’s state media agency Zaman, agents from the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü) ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria.
This has the "gulf of Tonkin" written all over it...

stoned cockatoo

New Member
there are dozens of videos from months ago showing FSA with chemical weapons



Well-Known Member
Everyone says the US will or won't. Operational Deception. This will be NATO. It is a threat to Turkey.

France will lead it, I think. But, not a NATO force. It will be a Cotillion....I like that but I mean Coalition. They may even try the Blue Helmet thing again.

It doesn't matter who is using these WMD. The UN will rubber stamp something. It is how we operate. It has to be stopped. We can let this roll into Turkey and Jordan. It is a duty to act against the use of WMDs.

And we don't want history to say that WW-3 was the all out chemical war.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Everyone says the US will or won't. Operational Deception. This will be NATO. It is a threat to Turkey.

France will lead it, I think. But, not a NATO force. It will be a Cotillion....I like that but I mean Coalition. They may even try the Blue Helmet thing again.

It doesn't matter who is using these WMD. The UN will rubber stamp something. It is how we operate. It has to be stopped. We can let this roll into Turkey and Jordan. It is a duty to act against the use of WMDs.

And we don't want history to say that WW-3 was the all out chemical war.
If the US does not participate nothing will happen.


Well-Known Member
Oh, we are in it. No doubt. We will dump all those down rev Tomahawks again. We will try to do a Libya. We may sacrifice another Ambassador but what possible difference could it make at that point?


Well-Known Member
John Kerry has no doubt that there was a WMD attack in Syria and that the Assad Regiem did it...

Now, why would Assad do something like this?

He has killed over 100,000 of his own people with conventional weapons and is currently winning the war against the rebels. And the international community was letting him get away with it.

Suddenly, he decides to gas a few hundred of his own people and incite the retalitory forces of the world??

This story has less proof than when GWB decided to take on Iraq yet now that the Obamanator, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is in charge nobody is questioning the supposed facts.

I am not saying whether it did or did not happen but the motives certainly dont support Assad purposefully doing this and there is nobody on the left crying about it. Where is code pink for christ sakes???

The rebels are the people benefiting from this incident, might they have set off the gas themselves?


Well-Known Member
Agreed NLX, something seems a bit off here. Unfortunately, we have that red line thing and it's been crossed damnit!

stoned cockatoo

New Member
everyone seems pretty chill about this, seems like the US is going to make war official any minute, and its obvious they are backing terrorists.

kind of a big deal


Well-Known Member
John Kerry has no doubt that there was a WMD attack in Syria and that the Assad Regiem did it...

Now, why would Assad do something like this?

He has killed over 100,000 of his own people with conventional weapons and is currently winning the war against the rebels. And the international community was letting him get away with it.

Suddenly, he decides to gas a few hundred of his own people and incite the retalitory forces of the world??

This story has less proof than when GWB decided to take on Iraq yet now that the Obamanator, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is in charge nobody is questioning the supposed facts.

I am not saying whether it did or did not happen but the motives certainly dont support Assad purposefully doing this and there is nobody on the left crying about it. Where is code pink for christ sakes???

The rebels are the people benefiting from this incident, might they have set off the gas themselves?
The ability to kill hundreds without a single casualty is a powerful weapon on its own. It's one thing to lose thousands in open combat (Where you take your own casualties).; it's another to lose hundreds in a moment. If you want to shut down a rebellion; then show them you can kills them, their family, and everyone they care about in less than a few hours. That's tactics 101.


Well-Known Member
The ability to kill hundreds without a single casualty is a powerful weapon on its own. It's one thing to lose thousands in open combat (Where you take your own casualties).; it's another to lose hundreds in a moment. If you want to shut down a rebellion; then show them you can kills them, their family, and everyone they care about in less than a few hours. That's tactics 101.
No that'd be fail 101 with Obama and his cockgobblers talking of "red lines" and waiting for the opportunity to bomb you to shit.


Well-Known Member
No that'd be fail 101 with Obama and his cockgobblers talking of "red lines" and waiting for the opportunity to bomb you to shit.
Waiting for NATO clearance to jointly bomb you with the air cabailities of several dozen countries; at least, last I heard.


Well-Known Member
Oh please. Obama has already got his Muslim Brotherhood set in place to take control over Syrain government. Just like he did in Egypt. Look at how well that fake democracy turned out. Sure. Lets impose Sharia Law and then tell people we've established democracy just like his friend Mohamed Morsi. :neutral: