Seems strange that the US maintains chemical and biological stockpiles if its so unacceptable to use in the first place...
yes, we got big ass chemical stockpiles, but the US can be trusted not to use them
britain also has chemical stockpiles
so does russia
so does china
so does france
and yet no CIVILIZED nation has used them since the treaty was signed.
some of the chems are retained for research into treatments, because eventually a madman will get his hands on some.
most of the US's chems are a holdover from the cold war, when both sides were shouting "Come At Me Bro!!"
gradually they are being disposed of, which is an expensive and laborious process, which happens to be the reason we KNOW saddam still had his stockpile, and why some has in fact turned up (check your wikileaks) while the rest was most likely shuffled off to other nations or is still buried in the desert.
Bio Weapons are stored for research into treatments too, under the watchful (but slightly myopic) gaze of the World Health Organization and the CDC.
only a real dumbass would use bioweapons, which is why their presence in sandland is so troubling.
should a fruitcake ever get the Means and Opportunity to release bioweapons you can be pretty sure that any asshole crazy enough to use them will be a moslem.
hell even the australians arent nutty enough to release bioweapons, but theres no shortage of that kind of crazy in sandland.