I have to vent.


Well-Known Member
Ill say about 98% of you will probably not know what the fuck im talkin about.

If so read on if you wish, but forewarning. You may have more questions at the end and or feel like you've wasted a few minutes of your precious life.

When I first started growing I met a like minded grower off an old cannabis forum that no longer exists. Over the years of building friendship on that site and soon both of us moderating and running the whole forum with hand selected moderators bringing that forum to a higher level and almost able to compete with the big names at the time. Unknownily the site owner and seed salesman betrayed us and eventually we left that site.

During our time together we became like brothers, In love with the whole world surrounding the cannabis culture. From breeding our own stock from land race seeds and stabilizing special phenos also to collecting and preserving old genetics and new to continue our search for more holy grails.
We eventually started visiting each other across the country - Having parties and meeting each others families becoming more or less a family of our own.

Anyways years have passed and we coninued our passion of breeding and trying out new strains while still trying to stabilize our many project. As many growers we encountered many issues, Losing valuable fathers, prize moms an even a catastrophic split of us as friends.

This time it seems (almost 1 - 1/2 year's later) That once your friendship becomes greater than the shared love of cannabis its too late. You soon will see diffrenty, Wish that we should have meet over different terms

Now my biggest vent is that now I started to grow again , I feel half empty, Every strain I grow or project I try to pic back up reminds me of my buddy.

Its a heartache at some times. I lost a brother and did things that I should have rethought and same for his part.

Well in a nutshell. Ive started to grow again and try to continue my projects but always feel like some part of me is missing.

Im trying to continue and will undoubtedly , I just never knew how empty something I used to love can become

Im not sorry for ranting, more or less happy I can share my feelings with a group whom judgement affects me in no way and is more or less something I cannot go talk to my RL friends..

So any words of wisdom from other broken partnerships and what eventually happen...Did you guys bury the hatchet or if you did was things never the same between them?

We had massive plans on breeding top quality genetics, with love of genetics and leaning towards a more medicinal specific strains with highest CBD - THC for each aliment, We were just starting three years so far of testing and working various strains all halted that I just want to finish, but I feel I am missing my partner in crime and dont know if I can finish it rather just start new projects.

Anyways. I feel to wrong to apologize , maybe he wont forgive me and if he does how awkward will our relationship be from here on out.. AHHH this been eating me for weeks. Cant sleep for many nights.

Well if you read this and wanna talk to me , Im mostly friendly and if you know me from the last few years im not afraid to share my thoughts even if they are obtrusive

Very Respectfully


Well-Known Member
Sending vibes your way brother. Keep your head up and just do you. Everything else will work itself out in time.


Well-Known Member
What made yall fall apart? It can happen sometimes... but if you were that close, then most men won't hold grudges and can remain good friends. But you didn't explain the most important part of the story... which is why you aren't buddies anymore (what did you see differently). And if it really is something that means you can never be buds again... well, you're a man, right? you'll get over it like the trillions before you have.


Well-Known Member
some things are hard to replace, and growth is harder. I feel for your loss but the times ya had and the knowledge you gained is all yours, be a mentor to someone, hard to find the right one and is a risk but face life and grow or wilt. personally wish I had gone for the growth route

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Did u cheat on him??? Did u sleep with his boyfriend? ? Did u smoke the last nugg of some dank shit u guys where supposed to split??? What the hell happend and why does it make you so sad i NEED to know!!!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
lol 24 posts since 08. You don't post very often but when you do it's some real deep shit straight from the soul.

rofl@this hahahah

Hey op, yep I had a partnership go south. I put a lot of time and effort into it. Long story short the guy got greedy and didn't think he needed me after a few runs. He found out on his first solo venture that I must have been doing something for him cuz he yielded less than half of what we were getting together.

he tried to give a half assed apology but I'll never forget.

We maintain civility when we see each other and I know he feels regret over his poor decision.

Oh well, such is life. I wish I could teach my dog to help trim. All he wants to do is eat them.

Friendship is a word used too liberally in this day and age imo

most people don't know what a real friend is. much less how to be one.

good luck. I hope it works out for you.

edit: I should add I've known this guy for close to a decade. We've helped each other plenty on other projects.


Well-Known Member
When dealing with emptiness,you have to keep in mind to seek out new ways to grow on a personal level.Ya gotta put that piece of the past behind you and not let it be an obstacle emotionaly,otherwise well,Im sure you know it will depress the hell out of you.Youll find new people to hang with,,im sure you also know it takes time to do so,keep your head up.


Well-Known Member
For the few that were saying they were dying to know why we split, It all started about two years ago when my friend came into contact with a breeder who was starting a new seed sale site. He wanted in , he wanted to sell seeds, I wanted in too but I had split feelings, Nothing was ready yet to be released. I was in a point in my life where I had minimal breeding time and didn't wanna put out genetics that were only taking half my attention. (they're were a few other things but due to privacy I will only talk about the cannabis related issues). to shorten the story I wanted one thing from this seed business and he wanted another, but since he "talked to the dude" it was his way or the highway. So I said fuck it and quit growing(he then black listed me from all the breeding sites, making my name into a POS) Unfortunately since I left I go check his seed stock from now and then, nothing new is on, everything that is, is from me and it seems he is too going threw the same dilemma. My biggest thing is I go to germ seeds and they are from him, and some part of me way way back in my head says, "oh he gonna love to see what I do with these" but of course he wont. Didn't think I was gonna get this much attention maybe my friend will read this and send me a email it has never changed and then maybe we can slowly work back, or maybe its fuck us forever in that case I will always continue to grow but I wont be able to share it with the world Ive read every reply even the douche bag ones Cannabis and Friendship is a hard thing to master


Well-Known Member
Did u cheat on him??? Did u sleep with his boyfriend? ? Did u smoke the last nugg of some dank shit u guys where supposed to split??? What the hell happend and why does it make you so sad i NEED to know!!!
lmfao he would let me fuck his gf he would have gave me his last bud and I would have done the same LMFAO we were true ryders - bfadm


Well-Known Member
When dealing with emptiness,you have to keep in mind to seek out new ways to grow on a personal level.Ya gotta put that piece of the past behind you and not let it be an obstacle emotionaly,otherwise well,Im sure you know it will depress the hell out of you.Youll find new people to hang with,,im sure you also know it takes time to do so,keep your head up.
I know, I also suffer from depression, PTSD p-TBI, migraines daily and rheumatoid arthritis in just about every joint. No Homo here but he was the one who I can talk to about it, My wife doesn't understand war shit but other men do,

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Call him bro not to work together just to say whats up. Just to smoke a fat one u guy's need closure. Who knows u guys may end up partnering up again!! Is his girl hot???