Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
My kid's got 2 fuckin rooms! While my plants have 1! lol... She's lucky i don't love my weed more..... hahahahaha

Drop her ass into a walk in closet with a blanket on the floor. HAHAHHAHA I am JUST KIDDING! lol She's so spoiled.

i think i should get away with the 3x 400w for flowering. I will have the lightest of the 3 supported by the center beam. and put in the braces if i think it's necessary.


Well-Known Member
SOOOOO forgot to fall asleep. i was thinking. we all hear of collapsing tents..... the equipment i buy will be properly secured; inline to wall on the side/above the tent directly connected to filter inside tent.(this way i don't have to drill holes in the tent material.) this i will have to show pictures of what i am talking about, since it sounds confusing to even me... but not at the moment.Lights attached to CERTAIN pipe work that i decide is strongest, HOWEVER. i found this:
I was thinking of getting 4, and buying 2 pieces of pipe(will have to get these first to figure the length of pipes needed)but attaching this to the center framework of the tent. it's a 45degree angle so. Does anyone thing it will help with security of collapse with the weight of 3 lights?
I was thinking of doing something similar recently. Your modifications are cheaper/better. Let me know if that gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
So my grow shop guy fucked up and didn't order my bulb. Going down to get a brand new 400w HPS bulb though. and just hooking that up. I NEEEEEED MORE LIGHT. lol..



Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics. Not going to label them all but, Blue dream transplanted to 10 Gallon...
Cotton Candy transplanted to 3.9 Gallon.
The rest will be worked on over the next couple days. As you can see, New light was added.
Opened SOME room up for now, and will spread them all out after the transplants.

Ghetto rigged fan for now, until i put the order for new gear in next week.
BD clones are getting bigger, and so is everything really, as you can see by the pics.
And finally the Spyder is plumping now. Just a few weeks left.

Take care.

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Well-Known Member
GreenHouse Seeds Trainwreck left and HSO Blue Dream(clone) right. I got a real prop tray insert and dome this time. and rapid rooter plugs. so I don't think I will need to waste my time with the walmart bullshit anymore..... Anyone have any suggestions as so a good CoCo mix???? I use CoCoGro now but it's so compressed after you water it if you don't mix anything in. should I just buy perlite to add in myself?? or maybe there's a better product out there.
This is the BD mother. before she was a mother. ON 7/10/13


Well-Known Member
haha about the rooms thing stew, there was a time when my plants had air conditioning while me and the lady didn't, priorities ya know.


Well-Known Member
heading to bed. updates on the last few pages.
Check your comments later...

Have fun at work.


Well-Known Member
Guess i need to spread the rep around a little before i can rep you again stew.That being said the level of your growing skill is increasing at light speed my man.Everytime i wonder over here i am greeted by just amazing beautiful photos i mean really healthy lookin girls.
It's only a matter of time before your on that mister wizard status, doing crazy advanced grows and i can't wait to see.


Well-Known Member
HAHA. no worries.
Gonna have new pics up later today as well.... Gonna see how many plants i can transplant with the one bag of ReadyGro i got left.


Well-Known Member
WELLLLLLL....... I can see why it's hard to keep using the good mediums.............
It just cost me $25 to transplant........... 4 blue dream clones..... WHAT! 4!?!? only 8 more clones and 9 more plants to go.......

and if i need another bag...... $150 for just enough medium for 1 flowering cycle. hahahahahahaha

Anyone have a soil-less recipe i can borrow?? I'll give it right back... hahaha

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I like subcools mix. But I tinker with shit every once in awhile. Pot for pennies is the motto. When I gotta be cheap.I use Styrofoam chunks instead or perlite. Even been thinking of raising worms for castings. Chickens for droppings.

Gotta convince my ol lady to let me get a fruit bat for droppings. Kelp isn't hard isn't hard for me to get been thinking bout harvesting my own. With today's economy gotta think outside the box nowadays.
just topped my blue dream for the first time a couple of days ago and shes going outward nicely, did you cut most of the leaves on the bottom of your BD?. I like the 10gal pot just put mine in a 3gal like a week ago and the roots are already shooting through the bottom dont know if i should transplant into a 5gal now or later. Nice room setup and your plants look better every update


Well-Known Member
pulled the leaves as they died. and the first 6 branches were my first 6 clones. Everything else is still there. just up in the canopy somewhere. I only took 3 node tops after the first 6, and 26 total off her. everything else is crimped.


Well-Known Member
Copy and paste an image if you want to know what it is... Going to do collective pics for a few. till i have it all transplanted and spread out. :) MUCH easier on me.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
What up dog? Just got back from taking my best friend to kareoke...had a great time! On your girls there..., it looks AWFULLY crowded in there dude and that's not cool at all. Being the wonderful friend I am, I guess I'll take about half those BIG ugly ones and get rid of them for you (lmsao). Just kidding mon! I love it when I see someone take as much pride and organization in their grow. That's exactly how I am bro!

On another note, I spoke to a good friend of ours today and informed him that I have done some research on web development software. I'll be putting all this together and sending it to the correct parties. Your grow room and your grow look great dude. Smoking a bowl just for you bro...ain't I so nice to do that (lol). Ya mon...


Well-Known Member
I like subcools mix. But I tinker with shit every once in awhile. Pot for pennies is the motto. When I gotta be cheap.I use Styrofoam chunks instead or perlite. Even been thinking of raising worms for castings. Chickens for droppings.

Gotta convince my ol lady to let me get a fruit bat for droppings. Kelp isn't hard isn't hard for me to get been thinking bout harvesting my own. With today's economy gotta think outside the box nowadays.
Subcools mix hasn't got shit on "Danks black gold mix".. j/k.
I use to use his, but then come out with my own, hadn't looked back.. haha ;)