Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
95N along the coast. Might have a lobster or two. And baked potatoes. Fiddleheads in the spring. Can't beat it.


Well-Known Member
I'll get you lobster, crabs, and clams that were in the ocean that morning. I love the fiddleheads. I have my own hidden patches, as does everyone. Fresh local seafood and fresh local herbs to follow. Do you have fiddleheads out that way?


Well-Known Member
Yes on the fiddleheads. Not like there, though. Sounds great what you have going there. Makes me happy.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Bubble Bubble Toil and tweak
THIS kinda health is what I seek
Guess there's only one thing for me,
To make more of Coot's Alfalfa tea :)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Nice setup Herb. What soil type are you sporting there?
Thanks man.

I'm new to all this started in January so it's very basic, compost/soil Perlite and vermiculite.

I add in Lime, Bat Guarno and some fish bone.

Here's my little self constructed veging area, which is topped by a 4 ft 8 tube T5HO.

The flowering area is light with a 400w HPS.

Looking at putting some small LED's at the sides of the flowering tent where the light is not as strong.

What's happening now 031.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet!!! This grow style will just get better and better for you. You're gonna love this.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Sweet!!! This grow style will just get better and better for you. You're gonna love this.
Yeah man I'm in this to grow good clean weed, so i'll be learning while I'm burning.

Check out my first grow in the sig, when you get the chance.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

I'm new to all this started in January so it's very basic, compost/soil Perlite and vermiculite.

I add in Lime, Bat Guarno and some fish bone.

Here's my little self constructed veging area, which is topped by a 4 ft 8 tube T5HO.

The flowering area is light with a 400w HPS.

Looking at putting some small LED's at the sides of the flowering tent where the light is not as strong.

View attachment 2828700
Looking nice. I love seeing the 400's in action. I have a few. I love how close I can get them to the canopy. You have a sweet set up for yourself. :clap:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Late to the party.

Is it still rocking?

Welcome Herb Man! This thread is positively on fire, the amount of info and opinions going back and forth is absolutely staggering. There are some GREAT recipes at the start not to be missed out on and more got dropped like Green Bombs as it went by, so take the time to work through the thread and read it all. Excellent links to other threads and off-site info too. It's like a Living Soil Information Hub. Good to have another passionate organic grower on board, I am sure you have a lot to share with us :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you, but I just take lots of notes from experienced growers like you guys is all. And I like to write. That's about it. I find it very fun and satisfying, though.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Between this thread, Rrog's thread, and Myco's, I felt like my head was going to explode for a while :) Then I realised it's impossible to take it ALL in in one go. So I go through them for missed bits every now and then. Rrog... Funny I also love to write. We should work together and compile this stuff into a grow manual, seriously. A few 'Fail-safe' grow 'recipes' including amount of plants, wattage lights, etc, something a total NOOB can follow like making a batch of cupcakes and end with great bud, and all the advanced stuff like how's, why's, and tweaks in a seperate section. Been thinking about that for quite some time now...