how long until my balls are ripe ?


Well-Known Member
A matter of days. You should have pollen before a week is up and new flowers will keep producing it for a while.



Well-Known Member
i have a number of orange hairs showing up i would assume some have popped already and i just hadnt noticed
fingers crossed


i have a number of orange hairs showing up i would assume some have popped already and i just hadnt noticed
fingers crossed
Its just puberty dude, lots of hairs are going to pop up everywhere, but orange might want to see a doctor


Well-Known Member
yep its official
my little he/she is now a dad/mom
i guess some had already popped
if the hairs are telling the truth then its about a 50% + pollination already


Active Member
yep its official
my little he/she is now a dad/mom
i guess some had already popped
if the hairs are telling the truth then its about a 50% + pollination already
Hey Tek did you use colloidal silver on that one? If so are you self pol or pol another plant?


Well-Known Member
it has definatly s1'd
but i have a royal queen NL and a royal cheese and a handful of kc-45's and one mutant little kushy i think it might be male
i want to pollinate with it as well


Active Member
Damn did it fully recover? I have been thinking about getting autos and sacrificing a few branches of the same strain to get some seeds for future grows. Everything I have read has been debatable for autos yes or no who knows :P From what I understand that I can hermie a few brances with c silver then use the pollen collected on another auto of the same strains branches to get seeds that are F1's and the F1's will be pretty close to the original strain with at least 90% of the seeds being autos. But I have read that creating F2's will cause a unstable break in genetics. I got to be honost i am a little worried about ordering seeds online, that does not mean I wont do it because I will lol, just a little skeptical. I need to grow some balls and just be done with it lol. Anyways I figured Growing autos will be much better the photos for me in the time being. Ill grow photos as well but the autos will be my main crop. I want to get some good photo seeds as well because I want to play around with lst fiercely. I have ptsd and constantly in pain ( not always really bad pain but the times when it is bad everyone knows :( ) and growing takes my mind off of some of the pain and alot of the other shit that races in my head :). Sorry for the long post Its nice hanging out on RIU when the crop has been checked looked over and admired enough that you just have to walk away....:P Speaking of checking I need to check them trics because I haven't done it yet and my lights go off in 8 mins.


Well-Known Member
never phased it bud it just kept on trucking along
this plant isnt hurting one bit from it i sprayed 2 lower branches about 1.5 weeks into flower its on a higher N mixed with the bloom feed to support seed growth
2013-09-19 13.54.59.jpgevery where you look just big hot dog buds
2013-09-19 13.53.50.jpgCS burned it like i was spraying acid on it just ate the leaves off and made them curl up it worked so ohh well
View attachment 2829533
2013-09-18 08.03.25.jpg its been heavily lst'd pinched/super cropped just steady chuggin along


Active Member
Looking really good man. Its looking like I will be needing to order some seeds and getting some cs or making some cs. I posted this before on another thread but this is the list I would like to get my hands on :)
got it.jpg
I figure Its cheaper to grow then it is to buy it and even if I screw up 2-3 plants I will still have a few others that will cover the cost saved.