why all the males


Well-Known Member
i have about 13 plants and recently put them in 12/12 and within 10 days pulled 4 males and have suspicions of more to come. i feel like so far i have a lot of males and i am wondering what the usual amount of a crop are males on average?


Well-Known Member
50/50 would be fair I think.
I planted 20 Lowrider 2 seeds and ended up with 11 Females and 9 males.
I received some free Durban Poison X Skunk no. 1 with them and so far I have 1 female
and 6 males with 3 undetermined as yet, which is a pretty poor result, not to mention a huge waste of money on power, soil mix and nutes etc.


Well-Known Member
my grow last grow i had 13 f 5 m...
this grow i went with feminized seeds, a bit pricer but worth it i think.. u dont have to waste space with the males and u save of soil nutes labour etc...

they say there are ways the try and get a better female ratio..
1. giving seedling tap rooth 5 inches to grow down
2. a slightly higher N in early life
3. lower temps in veg 19-22oc
4. 18/6 light period

these are russian studies uhhhhhhh
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Well-Known Member
my grow last grow i had 13 f 5 m...
this grow i went with feminized seeds, a bit pricer but worth it i think.. u dont have to waste space with the males and u save of soil nutes labour etc...:peace:
yeah bro....next run...clones all the way after I get my mothers :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
fair enough fair enough, i guess it is also beacuse males tend to show their true colors first, it still bothers me though, it just seems like time wasted, which is why im taking a couple cuttings from the females i do find. thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
just bag, actually my first grow. so i have to admit that i went into the room a couple of times during the dark but i never turned the lights on i used a small black light for literally seconds at a time just to test the ph. will something like that effect my outcome or by light leaking in do you mean on a regular basis ( light that would turn plants to males)


Well-Known Member
I planted 12 bagseed, never interupted my 12/12 and i came out with 4 fems, so I think it mite just be the way it is.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. I have had 10 out of 14 that were male! :cry: It sucks but the way I look at it, "the law of averages" will kick in soon and I will be rollin in bud. The 4 females I got are very nice and I am 4 weeks from harvest. They were my last grow using bagseed gear.

I also just started a thread about this very thing...sorta. I was told today that not keeping the veg room in total uninterupted darkness for the dark time would cause this. I don't believe it but it has started me thinking a bit. My flower room never gets interupted and it is light proof. I am just saying...
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Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
i have about 13 plants and recently put them in 12/12 and within 10 days pulled 4 males and have suspicions of more to come. i feel like so far i have a lot of males and i am wondering what the usual amount of a crop are males on average?
Make sure your 100% sure if there male or female, sometimes people can mistake the sex very very easily. :blsmoke:

Here's an example



Well-Known Member
i've found when i plant bag seed it is male more often than not. but this is not evidence - just my experience.


Well-Known Member
if its still early days of vegging dont be too hasty, apparently females do look like males in the early stages so after you think its male give it a week to see if they grow a hair or a dimple at the end of the ball like thing, also i read that males tend to show after 7-8 days and females more like 10-14, keep them far apart and so the pollen cant transfer, they shouldnt be able to pollenate the females untill about 3 weeks into the vegging, or so i read.. my first attemp too dude, out of 2 plants one looks to be male the others not showing, im giving the possible male another week.


Well-Known Member
"any kind of light during the dark period can cause them to turn male or even hermie."

I thought they could only go hermie? not male.
does anyone know for sure?


Well-Known Member
think they can only turn hermie, as seeds there sex will be chosen and they should have yy yy for female or something like that, but if they get shocked there gene setup could change to yy xy, male would be xx xx and xx yx if hermie.
think its something like that i might have the x's and y's mixed up but its an example.

everybody says to get rid of the hermie but if they have turned from a female to hermie apparently they can pollenate your other plants but the off spring cannot be male as the gene set up is still female, and the chances are more of the offspring would be female, some hermie. it isnt something ive tried but i did read quite alot about it, and my understanding of physics would lead me to believe its true.