Club 600


Well-Known Member
Happy B-Day Brother Doob!!!
Too bad you cant light a doob in there during showing...or can you?
Hope u had a great time!!


Well-Known Member
i wonder if anything in that is actually yum yack:spew:
Most anything is better than nasty hotdog... Not saying I dont put down more than my fair share though.

Is that fake cheese sauce drizzle on there too? Make me wanna puke now,, late saturday night may be a different story though :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
"Im on an all none natural diet, all the preservatives should keep me from aging."

Iv toked up in the theater before bongsmilie that was very dumb, but boy was it a blast. Im not talking just a lil toke either lol me and my buddy, bout 14yrs old, smoked multiple bowls and of course we were seeing who could take the biggest hits lmao were giggling the place up. I have NO idea how we got away with that! Then on the streetcar ride home we sat in the back tokin more bowls,, mind you this is in the middle of the day haha.
Hes up there probably blowing smoke in fsms meatball face right now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my buddy has a magic flight launch box thingamajig and the vaped smell is just like popcorn. he's fashioned some kind of package for it made out of a capri sun carton just for going to the pics and toking.


Well-Known Member
I didnt chop anything this morning, I hate to do it early.
Ill be out there everyday looking thoroughly and may chop anytime still.


Well-Known Member
Decided to order the scooter parts today instead of on the 30th.
Amazingly, I was able to add a bar end for $33 and it bumped my order's total up to where I get free shipping, so I ended up paying $70 less over all than I thought I would originally:



Well-Known Member
Do those ends accept tassels?

Who might participate in a parade or something...
...anythings possible! :0)



Well-Known Member
There is one thing that comes to mind when I hear or read the word "tassels" and its a happy thought :eyesmoke:

What do we have here? GL with that UN... Hopefully this speeds up legalization more, dont ask me how.

"The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board’s latest annual report expressed dismay at the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado and urged “the Government of the United States to take necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the international drug control treaties in its entire territory”. This led many media outlets to report that the U.S. had violated the UN drug control treaties to which it is a signatory. U.S. obligations under the treaties, and indeed the broader international future of marijuana legalization, are complex matters. But the essential points can be summarized in a 4-part Q&A.",+Marijuana+News,+Hemp,+Cannabis)


Well-Known Member
There is one thing that comes to mind when I hear or read the word "tassels" and its a happy thought :eyesmoke:

What do we have here? GL with that UN... Hopefully this speeds up legalization more, dont ask me how.

"The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board’s latest annual report expressed dismay at the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado and urged “the Government of the United States to take necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the international drug control treaties in its entire territory”. This led many media outlets to report that the U.S. had violated the UN drug control treaties to which it is a signatory. U.S. obligations under the treaties, and indeed the broader international future of marijuana legalization, are complex matters. But the essential points can be summarized in a 4-part Q&A.",+Marijuana+News,+Hemp,+Cannabis)
The smaller countries are worried about losing money from the U.S. guboment that's paid out to fight the "War on Drugs" around the world.
Since the U.S. is now "allowing" legalized cannabis, they are being called to the carpet for being hypocrites.
But mostly, it's about lost "drug war" revenues in cannabis producing countries.


Well-Known Member
sup 6, what would I do on a day like this without ya'll. 6 LOVE! (non gang related) and happy belated b-day (non gang related) doobs! and keep it crackin bloods (non gang related) (I think)


Well-Known Member
[youtube]Fd3AvORg5s[/youtube] love ya'll hope to meet some of yall cali folks sooner than later as I get my paper right, then our folks abroad as well.. if anybody needs a worker.. please holler at me.