The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
BMR is still around and that hasn't got anywhere near the custom that SR has.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was ever intended to be a rival for SR, I think it could well have been a scam from the beginning.
I've spoken to whoever that Kevin Murphy guy really was about his intentions personally, him and that Joey crank pretty much told me that's what they intended to do with an on line drug shop. As soon as he came across SR in a figure of speech his eye's lit up, he got banned from here and then just went mental towards that goal.
I was a member of all 3 sites he ripped off before I lost track, then less than a year later Atlantis pops up, trades for a while and then falls to exactly the same scam that Kev said he was planning, a slightly tweaked version of the one he'd all ready pulled 3 times.

It could be all coincidental of course but me knowing what I know it's some big coincidence.

Mind you the missus went for a job interview last week with a guy who has the same name as me, first name and last name so strange things do happen. lol
maybe yman but imo i dont think he had the brains about him to pull off the atlantis scam they made a bit more than 1500quid the owners of atlantis who scammed n run.


Active Member
A free £1500 is a free £1500 mate.
It cost him fuck all to pull the scam cos he ripped IC3 for the coding, he got the admin to chip in hosting and pretended he was too.

It'll all never beat the Tony76 scam on SR though, that guy did it proper. lol
yeah that bloke made a good ten+ k on that scam was rumoured to have been some Canadian biker gang.


Active Member
is there any of the watch the footy online sites that aint full of ads n wanting you to download players etc all the time that vipbox dus me nut in.


Well-Known Member
just sat down with a recorderlig topped wiv a lil Bacardi, wife and kids out, tangerine dream and critical jack in tha vape.....hash makin later

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
isit DNA tangerine dream or that barneys one, im gusseing barneys sounds like youve had a run of big yeilders? if so any reccomendations, ive heard big yeilders are normally pritty tasteless.....big bud, critical etc....your thoughts??

is the critical jack from delisous seeds, ive also heard there critical range of crosses do yeild very well!

and can you say the smell and flavour to both as i have smoked niether!



Well-Known Member
just sat down with a recorderlig topped wiv a lil Bacardi, wife and kids out, tangerine dream and critical jack in tha vape.....hash makin later
. . . Bastard ! Lol, sounds heaven Indi , & remember,'re worth it !



Well-Known Member
. . . Bastard ! Lol, sounds heaven Indi , & remember,'re worth it !

i am a worthless drunken stoner, surely thats worth something........the mrs came inb with ice .......cant find the work bag so gotta modify the meth....dont fancy green shiz but thats a possibility...gonna let it all settle then strain once only ...220 and is wasted down the drain


Active Member
some strange results in the prem today, and spurs well should have beat chelsea, torres should have been sent off 30mins before he was........

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye should be a nice relaxed week ahead lol. going to get brewing this week too. hop sock full of sweet trim for flavour and i'll be adding some 95% spirit to some hash and topping the bottles up before capping. a lovely belgian sweet hoppy ale with about 7-8% with about .3-4 gram of hash in. should be a winner i reckon.