Well-Known Member
If it becomes as popular and works as well as Social Securty and Medicare?
What will the Repubicans do then?
What will the Repubicans do then?
If it becomes as popular and works as well as Social Securty and Medicare?
What will the Repubicans do then?
If it becomes as popular and works as well as Social Securty and Medicare?
What will the Repubicans do then?
talk to any body that lives in Canada. the insurance sucks dick. they stabilize you send you home and you dye ! ow yea you go on a list of not having money so you wait until you dye . if you had real insurance they would run tests see what is wrong and fix you. so Obama care. my understanding . if you don't have insurance. they will take 750 dollars a year out of your hard working pay checks. to give you the worst insurance on earth. rem its free. just 750 a year ? 14 dollars a week. I carry my own insurance. I pay out of my pocket 120 a month top notch. I don't work. now insurance companies more then likely will sky rocket in price. you ill have to drop a quality insurance and pay (((((free)))))) but not free insurance. and get fucked. its unlawful to make every body buy insurance. so were not being forced to . you will only be fined 750 a week for not having insurance ? wtf . this will promote the worst health care for most people. unless they can afford a real policy . or have a minion dollars on retainer for medical bills. needless to say were all fucked in the ass. so don't get sick.
you will only be fined 750 a week for not having insurance ? wtf . this will promote the worst health care for most people. unless they can afford a real policy . or have a minion dollars on retainer for medical bills.
Dissenting opinion, how can those systems EVER go bankrupt if their respective Govts can just confiscate more money to keep them going?nuhh uhh!
all the cannucks are totally happy with their state medical program, just like the french and the brits (both of whom are constantly under the threat of their system going bankrupt)
obamacare is the next evolution of the "New Deal"!
Dissenting opinion, how can those systems EVER go bankrupt if their respective Govts can just confiscate more money to keep them going?
The cost hasn't come down, it's just spread around could our former system NOT go bankrupt when it was the most expensive of all wealthy nations (and didn't even cover all citizens to boot)?
The cost hasn't come down, it's just spread around more.
The system is still broken, it just has a new lifeline.
Its an unremitting failure, just go for universal healthcare ffs...
Dissenting opinion, how can those systems EVER go bankrupt if their respective Govts can just confiscate more money to keep them going?
The cost hasn't come down, it's just spread around more.
The system is still broken, it just has a new lifeline.
Its an unremitting failure, just go for universal healthcare ffs...
If it becomes as popular and works as well as Social Securty and Medicare?
What will the Repubicans do then?
You shouldn't pay so much attention to the tabloid ragsbritain's national health system is already tottering on the edge of the abyss as those with money become more and more reluctant to pauper themselves for the benefit of asylum seekers and council estate dwellers.