damn, just damn..


Global Moderator
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Got it for you RB



Well-Known Member
I saw the vid, don't really know what was going on back there when they stopped, but if I was in the suv and one of those biker pulled and knife or a gun or even just told me that they were going to hurt me or kill me, I would of run all their bikes over too getting the fuck out of the way. Then I'd be smashing everyone one of them into guard rails as I phoned for police and tried to get away. Fuck, after driving away the 10mm would be on my lap before I reached for the phone.

On a slow enough day I'd do it even if someone said they were going to kill me and I really didn't believe them, just to run their bike over for saying it.


Well-Known Member
i feel this song is appropriate

Inside biker source * the rr driver did not want to switch lanes to let the bikes pass 1 bike got in front to slow him down and let the others. Pass on the westside highway. And then as you. All see the rr kept his aggressive. Driving. And hit the bike we all saw what happened next. In NYC. You. Should know better q

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
No ones deserves to be ran over but I personally hate those type of bikers that think they can roam through the lanes and switch in and out like their a hot shot.

What happened to the good Ol' real bikers... you know.. the ones that followed the street code and road in straight lines of pride with bitches with tattoos on the back.
Dammit man... those exuberant beards..


Well-Known Member
Inside biker source * the rr driver did not want to switch lanes to let the bikes pass 1 bike got in front to slow him down and let the others. Pass on the westside highway. And then as you. All see the rr kept his aggressive. Driving. And hit the bike we all saw what happened next. In NYC. You. Should know better q
The RR was in the middle lane. The passing lane is the left lane. The RR had every right to be in the middle lane. So from what I saw, the bikers were aggressively and erratically forcing the RR over.


Well-Known Member
so they deserved to be run over?? idk, maybe i missed something..
"Deserve's" got nothing' to do with it...

Seriously, they didn't give the driver an out, however, they forgot the fact that an SUV can simply make it's own g'damn way out, even if it's through and over their bikes and bods.

I don't blame the SUV at all for their actions, and the bikers are lucky they didn't try that shit with somebody that would have used that as an excuse to run down ALL of them, given the chance.
The RR was in the middle lane. The passing lane is the left lane. The RR had every right to be in the middle lane. So from what I saw, the bikers were aggressively and erratically forcing the RR over.
The passing lane is any lane to get passed;). What was so hard to move over 1lane to the right?
Its like saying a car cutoff a funeral service line and not wanting to move over so someoe got in Deont to slow him down he continued. To keep speed and hit the bike. He had rights to do that too?


Well-Known Member
The RR was in the middle lane. The passing lane is the left lane. The RR had every right to be in the middle lane. So from what I saw, the bikers were aggressively and erratically forcing the RR over.
if he wasnt pushing through all the bikers how'd he get in the middle of em all