The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
just got this pick from the plant problems section, and i would like to know.... the tops seem to be slendering into a point have any of you ever seen this happen before, if so how does it effect bud structure? hypethtically speaking of course....


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
RA turbs man pick 6 n 7 bruv you need to trim that bitches skirt back,its fucking filthy dirty. i rekon them donkey dicks you got would get even you get jealous every time you walk in there i would lol,....

haha n i as i ment to say well done mate looks like its been worth it! nice big yeilding strains, pick 2 bud on the far left......ouch thats some fucking fire mate.....what a sexy nug!


whos mg then??? and the police in a country of 60mil + have what 100 maybe a tad more not much dedicated to net shite including the bad shit!

you paranoid fucker u really think they give a fuck bout us??? saying that i did change fones,sims,passwords and use a proxy non stop after someone no names cough cough lool fucked up........

At least the said nob head booked everyones ideas up lool I bet he feels a right bell end


Well-Known Member
at Turbanhater.....the green twine is a botrytis magnet...mold takes hold between the twine and the bud quite easily, well it did for me once so i only use foam coated garden wire and no prbs


Well-Known Member
there's about a zillions threads on a zillion forums with everyone giving there can tell who rides motorbikes, who doesn't, and who cares about kids.....isn't the tinternet great! The OP who psted the vid on youtube is obviously a dick by stating someone died - (and that's my opinion:))

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
2 q's please lads firstly.....

i norm use canna flush, is GH ripen any better???

and is there anything wrong with this bud, seems kinda pointy to me???

TA!...oh n morning all!


New Member
hello im new to this and new to growing my hubby is the smoker and buying it has been driving me crazy so he gave me a seed lol and i planted outside in summer then brought it in at 2ft tall, i did a room out and for 3 weeks been doing 12/12 its now 3ft tall and the pictures are below does this look like its going the right way and will i get anything off it he usually smoke cheese but it could be anything really sorry for being a novice but appreciate any replies thankyou


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Well-Known Member
Lemon, looks like it needs a way to go. Maybe just one of those really pointy arrow like colas that often come from plants with super pinnate leaves.

Iammie02, looking good. What light do you have and what method are you using to feed/grow the plant? (e.g soil/coco, shop bought nutrients...??)


New Member
hello to be honest its just shop bought soil and filltered water not sure on the light hubby put it in thats all i have been doing regards thank you for reply


Well-Known Member
Shop bought soil will be ok for the first couple of months, as the plant grows and then starts to flower. When you have been in flower for 4 plus weeks the plant should really start to pick up, this is where you will generally need to give it some feed. Feed can be done through shop bought nutients, or done through making organic teas. If you are into neither of these, then perhaps just add some of the crap out of your hoover bag, mulch it into the top of the soil (this will help with P and K - essential for flowering).
Good luck..


Well-Known Member
Depends if you want to go to a Grow Shop, or if you want to go to a garden centre.

For general growth a nutrient ratio of 3-1-2 (N-P-K) is ideal. Some people like to add boosters during flower, which are generally nutrient bottles that have zero Nitrogen in them, just Phosphorus and Potassium, most nutrient companies do a P-K13/14. This gets added to your normal nutrient in smaller amounts to change the ratios of the elements you give to the plant.

There are nutrients by Bio Nova, Biobizz, Canna, Advanced Nutrients...the list goes on. They are all much of a muchness imo when it boils down to it. You could just go to a garden centre and buy their own brand of houseplant nutrient as well. Just check what the available % of N-P-K are. I actually use organic fetrilzer for conniffer plants.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Lemon, looks like it needs a way to go. Maybe just one of those really pointy arrow like colas that often come from plants with super pinnate leaves.
Ahhh don't suppose you could quickly find a pick of a finished bud that looks like what your saying I have never ever seen this before...and it's worrying me, then again I've never found a pheno of Ls that behaves like this one.

N yea it's got just under 4 weeks to go!!

Thanks for your help n time.


Well-Known Member
morning all, exo is a calcium monster so have had to modify the organic tea feed with a little magnecal.....cheese needs calcium, psycho don't care just loves the tea, livers needs a bit o cal too, the amnesia haze is a slow feeder slow grower and is nuggy and frosty on tea only and the blue pit is fond of potassium, hardly surprising seeing the size of the bud formation at 7.5 weeks is staggering looks more like a dwc grow than organic ish