It's Canada's fault the US gov shut down.


Well-Known Member
C/P from:

[h=1]Anti-Keystone billionaire takes aim at Stephen Harper’s hard line on pipeline[/h] Lee-Anne Goodman, The Canadian Press Oct 4, 2013 12:17:48 PM

OTTAWA – An anti-Keystone XL pipeline crusader has written to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, suggesting Canada’s aggressive lobbying for the project played a part in the ongoing government shutdown south of the border.

Tom Steyer, a San Francisco billionaire and a major Democratic party fundraiser, chastises Harper for saying he would not “take ‘no’ for an answer” from U.S. President Barack Obama on TransCanada’s Keystone XL.
In a question-and-answer session with the Canadian American Business Council last week in New York, Harper took a hard line on how Canada would respond if the Keystone XL project is rejected by the White House.
“My view is you don’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” Harper said. “This won’t be final until it’s approved and we will keep pushing forward.”
Steyer takes issue with those comments in his letter to the prime minister.
“Have your government, your government’s lobbyist and/or agents representing TransCanada communicated with House Republicans about including Keystone in the original litany of demands put to President Obama?” Steyer asks in the letter to Harper sent Friday.
Steyer says in the dispatch that TransCanada is launching a new advertising company aimed at stakeholders in Washington, D.C.
“News of this advertising campaign comes in the context of House Republicans having closed down the U.S. government as well as threatening to oppose the extension of the country’s debt limit unless certain demands were met,” Steyer wrote.
“Included in the original list of House Republican demands was that the Obama administration grant approval for the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.”
The combination of the advertising campaign and Harper’s comments last week “raises the question of whether your office is working hand-in-hand with TransCanada to try to exploit the current situation in Washington, D.C., at the expense of the American people,” Steyer wrote.

End C/P

Wasn't the whole Obamacare issue what the GOP was willing to shut the gov down over? Surely it wasn't about getting oil from a friendly nation
instead of getting it from less respected nations.


Wasn't the whole Obamacare issue what the GOP was willing to shut the gov down over? Surely it wasn't about getting oil from a friendly nation
instead of getting it from less respected nations.
It was over obamacare, the US will always approve the pipeline because they desperately need the oil. Theyll jockey during the debt ceiling argument and force the presidents hand. Which is why Obama has held it back to offer as a bartering tool come the ceiling rise debate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, a lot, eh? No really. I'm serious.

Keep it CLOSED. Keep it CLOSED. Keep it CLOSED.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, a lot, eh? No really. I'm serious.

Keep it CLOSED. Keep it CLOSED. Keep it CLOSED.
Im not for or against the pipeline, I would actually prefer more domestic refineries but to each their own.
I did find it funny that Keystone and Canada are being blamed.

Im not saying Harpco is not in the pocket of Keystone, but really the gov shut down has far less to do with
Keystone than it does with in house useless bickering.

I thought it was worthy of discussion though.

Does Keystone really play a part, or is it blind finger pointing by an opponent to the project?


Well-Known Member
Brothers from the North should sell there Oil to someone else and we need to drill our own Shit. Simple
But, I don't blame our brothers from the North.


Well-Known Member
Brothers from the North should sell there Oil to someone else and we need to drill our own Shit. Simple
But, I don't blame our brothers from the North.
Right, I agree.... Unfortunately though, when we even hint at selling oil to China as an example
it becomes an issue to the US.

What I would like to see is domestic extraction, refining and cheaper fuel at the pumps, but being
so closely tied to the US it just wont happen. Heck, we cant even get our beef or lumber industries
to work for us Canadians because of export/import deals.

Now, i will not dispute domestic oil, but if the US were to purchase from any country who would the US
citizens prefer it come from Canucks or Irainians?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Just think, about 50 million US tax payer dollars are being saved daily on wages alone for everyday the government is closed. Canadian government shuts parliament down on a regular basis. I'm not a flag waving Canadian but it does result in saving money.


Well-Known Member
Just think, about 50 million US tax payer dollars are being saved daily on wages alone for everyday the government is closed. Canadian government shuts parliament down on a regular basis. I'm not a flag waving Canadian but it does result in saving money.
Yup it does shut down, well prorogued, normally when politicians dont want to answer questions.

The problem with the savings is that a large portion of the savings come on the backs of everyday people, consumers.
So when those people are out of work they are more at risk of losing their homes and/or needing social services or government
programs to stay afloat. A large portion of their salaries are eliminated from the economy.

The shut down hurts people and the economy, not those who still get paid even with a shut down.


bud bootlegger
Right, I agree.... Unfortunately though, when we even hint at selling oil to China as an example
it becomes an issue to the US.

What I would like to see is domestic extraction, refining and cheaper fuel at the pumps, but being
so closely tied to the US it just wont happen. Heck, we cant even get our beef or lumber industries
to work for us Canadians because of export/import deals.

Now, i will not dispute domestic oil, but if the US were to purchase from any country who would the US
citizens prefer it come from Canucks or Irainians?
what i'd like to see is some exploration of an alternative fuel rather than fossil fuels, what an outdated pos technology that is... and don't even get me started on electric or hybrid cars..
nobody loves cars more than i, but come on now, time to move on, please and thank you..


Well-Known Member
what i'd like to see is some exploration of an alternative fuel rather than fossil fuels, what an outdated pos technology that is... and don't even get me started on electric or hybrid cars..
nobody loves cars more than i, but come on now, time to move on, please and thank you..
Oh great, now you brought in alternatives to oil ;)
I agree with you 100% on the alternative front, we all need it.


bud bootlegger
Oh great, now you brought in alternatives to oil ;)
I agree with you 100% on the alternative front, we all need it.
it's crazy that we're still using almost 150 year old technology, especially when you look at all the advancements in society in the same time period..
crazy, but the reason why is even more sickening, imvho..


Well-Known Member
Here is the vid, the driver aparently hit some debris that caused the fire. The Teslas are still less fire prone than
normal fuel powered vehicles in comparison but the vid does look pretty damming for sure.

They do say the fire never entered the drivers compartment.



Well-Known Member
I think this settles it... It is all Harper's fault...
America, you want to impeach leaders? Start with ours!
I, as a representative of Canada, hereby give you full permission to extract Harpo and send him to Gitmo.
And if you act in the next 20 days (because you know we can't do this all year) you can get John Baird, Del Mastro, some Senators, and probably half of the rest of the Conservative MPs for impeaching amusement!

We'll pay shipping (handling is your job)...

Don't delay ! Order it NOW!


Well-Known Member
It was over obamacare, the US will always approve the pipeline because they desperately need the oil. Theyll jockey during the debt ceiling argument and force the presidents hand. Which is why Obama has held it back to offer as a bartering tool come the ceiling rise debate.
None of the Oil in Keystone is for the USA
They need it to be able to ship it overseas.
Without the pipeline extension the Oil stays here in teh USA at a discount


Well-Known Member
Im suprised someone hasnt embedded the South Park Blame Canada episode yet. Wait for it... Its coming

please invade invade Canada and take down Harper. I have a secret tunnel under Lake Erie. I will open the door for you.


Well-Known Member
None of the Oil in Keystone is for the USA
They need it to be able to ship it overseas.
Without the pipeline extension the Oil stays here in teh USA at a discount
No, this is completely false.

The pipeline is to be built to keep the oil in N.A. refined in the southern US.
If the Keystone is not built they are looking at building ports in either B.C, Manitoba or Newfoundland
where it would then be shipped overseas.
There is also an investor who wants to build a refinery here in Canada to refine the crude before it is sold
to wherever they want.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It is a matter of two Oceans, two oil markets and super tankers that cannot make the Panama Canal.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It is a matter of two Oceans, two oil markets and super tankers that cannot make the Panama Canal.
Maybe, because it can avoid the panama canal from each country.

The issue is a common economic interest.
If crude is shipped via the pipeline to the US the Canadian oil industry profits and so does the US's by refining and selling the fuel.
What it also does is reduce the profits of other nations who may not be as friendly or share common political interests.

Lets face it, Canada's oil is as close to domestic as it comes without being extracted within US borders, we barely have a border anymore and
it is getting worse with the policing agreement made that allows US and Canadian officers to operate across borders.


Staff member
yeah cause americas massive debts and having china own half their country isnt the reason. lol