1.5x1.5x3 germ/ clone box!


Working on my first grow box(es) and wanted to share the project with everyone to hopefully get some feedback on where I'm at with ventilation/ lighting/ space etc.

I have (2) stealth boxes I am working on. One will be primarily for germination & initial plant development in pots for the first few weeks. The other is a 2x4x5 dresser for veg & flowering.

First box is 1.5x1.5x3
Interior is foil taped with 4, 23W CFL bulbs 1600 lumens each producing 6400 lumens. Between the lights is a fan for exhausting heat and on the bottom is the intake/ circulation fan. Ideally I would like to have 4 seedlings or clones in here. While the previous grow is finishing up flowering.

I think I have everything covered besides the exterior paint job. If I've missed something or it just doesn't seem viable I'd sure appreciate any tips.

Thanks for looking :)image.jpgimage.jpg



Well-Known Member
i know for clones with a flourescent you want the bulb to be able to be 1 foot away, so the plant doesn't photosynthesize as much and focus's on rooting. So i'd just put whatever you normally clone with in there and see if the light could be 1' away from the plants that you put in it and you're good with cloning. as for seeds you want the lights closer and prevent the stretching. An experienced grower recommended instead of a powerful light using several weaker lights, which allow them to be closer and helps slow down stretching.

looking at your dimensions and the 23w cfl's i think you're all set! consider higher powered cfl's for when they get bigger though, or just more of them


Well-Known Member
maybe when you do seeds you can make a shelf that you can lower as they get bigger? maybe use bricks or something to raise / lower it?

I'd consider a wire shelf to help with airflow, and also use an airpot to take advantage of the extra flow.


Well-Known Member
just get a a piece of MDF board roughly same size as the grow area,light hangers and a few hooks so you can easily lower/higher as they grow... instead of moving the lights as your seadlings grow it will just be reversed to lowering the MDF board


Thanks for the insight guys. Much appreciated. I plan to transplant them into larger pots and put them into there final home which is greatly larger with plenty of light and air movement. I'm just trying to tweak the temperature a little to keep it cooler. Thankfully I didn't go with HPS since I hear the heat is significantly greater?

I think I'll work on that wire basket this evening Nizza!


Well-Known Member
...high man, i hope you won't mind but i decided to answer your pm here in your thread because i think it's important to spread this information as far and wide as we can so it's better to have it here in public where it can, potentially, do some good going forward.

Fultono said:
Hey pal, was wondering what you use to cover the light that shoots out of a stealth box for an exhaust fan. And also how much growth do you find a seedling does over the first week of popping surface. I ask because the seeds I'm working on now are new to me and 4/5 seem to of stunted growth since popping about 1 inch of soil with the shell still fully attached to the top of the stem. The 5th popped its shell and has taken off. About 4x the size of the other 4 and I'm worried the shells are preventing them from taking off. Was considering breaking them out but they obviously need the nutrients inside the shell still, any ideas?

Thanks Bozo, really lovin all the info you are posting on the site!
...anyway, light leaks aren't as big a problem for me as they might be for others because i live alone so a little light leaking out is of no concern, ...it's only in preventing light from leaking IN that i concern myself with because THAT kind of light leak can lead to hermie's in my flowering chamber, NOT a good thing, lol.

...and i know this will be information overload but here is a link to a collection of some of the absolute best ganja related DIY projects on the net, ...the first section of links is to cabinet builds, my own motherbox included, and i promise you that if you go explore a few of those builds you WILL find the solution that will be PERFECT for your particular situation.

...and then, down the road, if you EVER have a need for knowing now to build something, you'll know to check this thread first, lol.


...when it comes to seeds and starting them, well, that is a difficult topic to confront because there are many variables to consider and some are skills that must be learned through experience, meaning you need to actually just do it, while you continue researching, until you start getting a handle on it. ...you have to also consider that not all beans are made equal, some are just weak, genetically, so no grower would be able to succeed with them except maybe the most skilled.

...this is why i advocate so strongly for new growers to learn their chops with free bagseed before germinating costly store-bought genetics, ...i popped 30 my first try and managed to kill them all within a couple weeks, ...imagine how bummed i'd have been if they had been some $5.00 per seed fire!

...i've been thinking maybe i'd start a thread in the next few days to share some of my methods in a single space so look for a thread probably called something along the lines of 'bozo's barn' or some such, ...it won't be a journal, just a place to show how even a lazy phuck like me can get 'er done.

...and as it turns out, i started some beans last week so i guess i'll start that thread with info on these new beginnings, as it were, lol.

peace, bozo


Love it man. Thanks!
Ill be looking for your thread and do me a favor, get a journal going... Start to finish!


Ill drop a photo of my rearranged box when I get home. It's upgraded. Can't wait to get these babies out of it and into the mother ship lol.


Built a rack and installed a fan I disassembled. It's keeping the girls a steady 77^ but I've noticed towards the end of the lights on cycle that I've been peaking towards 82^ and at 1 point 84^ so I need to maybe re-evaluate my exhausting a little more. Shelf needs raising again as I seem to be stretching the one baby. Whatcha think bozo

