The UK Growers Thread!


theres the psy and exo Rambo took top off exo for a cut....waiting on psy to get bit bigger b4 she gets her top raped too.....hopefully will have 2 mothers of each then......IMG_1478.jpg
Biz wants DMT after a go on the mushies?

Steady on lad, that's like comparing cannabis to opium!
A few sessions on some decent acid would set you up but don't go jumping in with both feet mate.

Now SR has gone it's back to being rare as rocking horse shit again meaning the price per gram is about to go through the roof.
If it isn't available on BMR then you either need to learn how to source the gear and make it yourself or find somebody else who can.


Ahhhh think ive realised who r u are now lol. Yeh imwant dmt lol but everyone who ive asked dont know what im on about so im just gonma get more shrooms and double the dose I wanna see shit and hear sounds and stuff the giggles was fun but I want more lmao. Ive never had acid only shrooms there used to be a shop roumd here a few years ago that sold em. We bought some fresh and they had big blue viens in em they were quite trippy just a bit of a mouthful... ibe seen a few vids of folk smokin dmt and it looks fun proper fun like bum fun ;)


Well-Known Member
Biz wants DMT after a go on the mushies?

Steady on lad, that's like comparing cannabis to opium!
A few sessions on some decent acid would set you up but don't go jumping in with both feet mate.

Now SR has gone it's back to being rare as rocking horse shit again meaning the price per gram is about to go through the roof.
If it isn't available on BMR then you either need to learn how to source the gear and make it yourself or find somebody else who can.
its easily obtained threw other sites.


Just been reading how to exteact dmt from sum sort of tree bark jeeeez its a bit complicated think ill stick to pickin mushies and smokin weed thimk dmt would twist my tiny mind and leave me fucked up. Fuck it im a go searching for fly agarics there suppose to be strong aint they?.


Active Member
the owner of Sheep has had his personal details posted all over the web, net bods found him so easy doubt it will take the feds long to catch up with him..... oh and lots of peoples accounts are being hacked and coins stolen.

bmr has closed all registration ''due to upgrades''

buying online is old tho alot older than these sites, i dunno where it will go but i do not see a new SR any time soon.
its easily obtained threw other sites.
RC vendors Yid? What kind of price does it go for?

You don't have to show me I'm just interested where it can be obtained commercially.

I first came across it in the late 90's before tinternet was in homes, it cost around £600 a gram back then and that's if you knew some other psychonaught over Australia way


Active Member
RC vendors Yid? What kind of price does it go for?

You don't have to show me I'm just interested where it can be obtained commercially.

I first came across it in the late 90's before tinternet was in homes, it cost around £600 a gram back then and that's if you knew some other psychonaught over Australia way
what sort of rc? any in mind?

i remember just before the mkat ban saying to a friend we should get some whilst its still legal and barely 2k a key, we didnt of course and the price went up quite some..........
what sort of rc? any in mind?

i remember just before the mkat ban saying to a friend we should get some whilst its still legal and barely 2k a key, we didnt of course and the price went up quite some..........
I meant is that where DMT can be sourced commercially, lol.

You can still get Kat cheap if you buy direct from the bowl of rice a day boys, they really don't give a shit if you approach a smaller district chem house.
Business is business.


Active Member
I meant is that where DMT can be sourced commercially, lol.

You can still get Kat cheap if you buy direct from the bowl of rice a day boys, they really don't give a shit if you approach a smaller district chem house.
Business is business.

im no scientist mate i have no idea how to make dmt but the raw ingredients, im shore could be sourced.


Well-Known Member
biz...u heard of 5 hours of dmt but stronger and weirder.....get to meet your higher self an all that malarkey...see yourself being born....remembering life in the womb.....telepathy....wild