Gov. shutdown may stop welfare payments .........


Well-Known Member
We all knew this would happen... Without shitbums receiving EBT riots and looting will run rampant. God bless America and God help you if you needed that assistance because Obama wont...


Well-Known Member
We should prolly stock up on shells and bullets.
have you tried to buy any lately ?
its almost none existent
squirrel season opened up and i only had 2 boxes of shells figured id go to walmart and get some more
pffft ! empty selves
sporting goods store big negative

welfare is just a drop in the bucket theyre cutting veterans checks off next month or trying too
thats not a riot thats a war


Well-Known Member
i live near a base and all outside contractors have been sent home
they are cutting military spending
by laying off outside/ civilian's
plus the insane amount of people from the gov shut down
and then cutting benefits the month after
im very suprised these chicken shit's in office are still breathing

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
i live near a base and all outside contractors have been sent home
they are cutting military spending
by laying off outside/ civilian's
plus the insane amount of people from the gov shut down
and then cutting benefits the month after
im very suprised these chicken shit's in office are still breathing
The thing that really sucks is once the govt is back in business,
they will get checks from the time they haven't worked plus unemployment checks.

Provided we're not invaded in-between.


Well-Known Member
I would be more woried about a insurection than a invasion

We are still the most heavly armed nation on earth (THANK GOD)

An traditional invasion would be a sucide mission . It would have to be chemical/bio./nuclear


Well-Known Member
if it went civil texas would close the borders
america wouldnt be able to fight a korean foot army and texas >.<


Well-Known Member
this thread is awesome.

homicidal, militant right wingers with (at best) a tenuous grasp of the english language reviewing their underwhelming doomsday playbooks because the people they elected decided to shut down the government.

the overriding irony, the numerous spelling errors, the fanatacism...just excellent.

thanks guys.

i mean that.


Well-Known Member
nuclear would be out of the question they need the land to populate
nerve gas would be more plausible


Well-Known Member
they hate the government.

just go away, government. we don't need you.

let's shut the government down!

but when it shuts down, all of a sudden they murmur breathlessly about riots and korea invading and having to defend themselves with massive firepower.

it's like a semi-retarded militant right-winger's wet dream come true, getting to shoot poor people and foreign people.

"get off my land!", they scream in their fantasies, as they reload the shotgun and adjust their overalls.

i will now get out of the way of this very entertaining thread, lest i disrupt the expert spellers in their natural habitat.