yellowing of leaves


Active Member
Hi Stoner, thanks for your quick reply. These plants are two weks old and the soil is made up of 70% compost 20% pearlite and 10% peat moss. I have 20 plants in total and they are all looking much the same although the pics are the worse ones.They are all under flourescent tubes 24 hrs, and the temperature is always about 25 DC.Water temperature is 23DC and i water a little every two days when top soil is dry.What do you think Stoner, any ideas???????????/

trains strain

Well-Known Member
how hot is in your area there? i had a small problem like that at that stage, i backed the lights off and it did wonders...definitly gotta make sure you keep at around 75 degrees and dont over feed with nutes, infact dont use a lot of nutes if any, that soil if it came with nutes in it will suffice for the first couple weeks then gradually start feeding it nutes...or better yet go organic, better tastin stuff but honestly i dont know much about organics but in soil, most soil contains nutes already...anyways stoner good luck


Active Member
:sad::-(Hi People, i wonder if anyone can help me with my growing problem. I have 20 plants growing in the third week under 24 hrs of light.They are all in 70% organic compost and 30% pearlite,with room temp never going over 28DC.All plants are female made up of 10 Big Bud and 10 White Widow.What i need to know is what is the most common cause for the leaves turning yellow.I have no clues as to whats going on as this is my first grow. Please see the pics i have posted. Can anyone help????????



Well-Known Member
have you tasted ph of run off. sometimes compost stuff is acidic. what have you been feeding it ( nutes?) and how often


Active Member
Hi People,Would anyone know the correct percentage of humidity for growing White Widow in the veg state???????????? VANMORRISON


Well-Known Member
a dehumidifier would help and some fans would be good to but with ur plants i really dont know i never seen suttin like this but looks at the bottom of ur pots and see if the roots are coming out if yeah than switch to bigger pots and let the babys grow but as for the yellow i dont know wtf that is its wat to yound and looks like the leafs are moist and shrivling up how have they been since ur first post any change kinda looks liek a N deficiancy but at the same time a zinc deficiancy i dont know man there way to young for me to tell hope everything goes well keep me updated


New Member
dude first off the plants should not be in those big pots at that stage, transplanting allows the plant to root more efficently throughout the entire grow medium. Second is you want the plant to go through a "wet and dry" Phase it allows the plant to breath keeping the soil soggy all the time allows no oxyegen to the roots, yea roots need that shit. Third your plants and lights are all spaced out(wtF) bunch your lights and the plants together. Fourth tap water thats un-ph'd and that has not been de-chloranated or airaited for 24 hours at the least will fuck the plants. fith if you fertalize those plants at that stage you deserve to have your shit look like that(ha) Six how you gona flower 20 plants under that piss poor light source? seven those dont look like clones those are seeds so how would you know those are all female??? those seeds are under soo much stress they will hermi on your ass quick! welcome to shitty grow

Ok your best bet is to start over buy seeds or clones from good stock buy a better light system for a couple hundred bucks if this is a serous hobby for you??? ask questions to the right people and dont act like you know everything. buy a book, check the inernet. Who designed your set up? a 5 year old?

ph at 6.3 durring veg in that kind of soilless mix. try to keep tempo at 75. dont tell anyone that your growing ..... because your not growing your killing lol. lanolium emits toxic fumes to plants idiot cover your floor with plastic and bleach before you do but not strait bleach dude, use a 1/4 cap per gallon. get a vent source. use hydroponic store nuts not no handy dandy mom and pop dick shit(miracle grow and others). only use a 1/4 to 1/2 strenth.

as far as for what you could do now...... pray!....Pray to the weed gods and bod marley to give you some sence and the abulity to look around the inernet on how to set up a cheap grow room for $20 in my moms basement, and after your done playing around and move out of the nest them mabye you will meet a guy who knows a guy who has a roomate who dates a chick who has a cousin that lives in dickfeild that will tell you how to grow some weed. start a post that says help me build a grow room and how to get seeds and how to grow and how to harvest and how to not get caught. that will be a start for you buddy!! good luck


Well-Known Member
dude first off the plants should not be in those big pots at that stage, transplanting allows the plant to root more efficently throughout the entire grow medium. Second is you want the plant to go through a "wet and dry" Phase it allows the plant to breath keeping the soil soggy all the time allows no oxyegen to the roots, yea roots need that shit. Third your plants and lights are all spaced out(wtF) bunch your lights and the plants together. Fourth tap water thats un-ph'd and that has not been de-chloranated or airaited for 24 hours at the least will fuck the plants. fith if you fertalize those plants at that stage you deserve to have your shit look like that(ha) Six how you gona flower 20 plants under that piss poor light source? seven those dont look like clones those are seeds so how would you know those are all female??? those seeds are under soo much stress they will hermi on your ass quick! welcome to shitty grow

Ok your best bet is to start over buy seeds or clones from good stock buy a better light system for a couple hundred bucks if this is a serous hobby for you??? ask questions to the right people and dont act like you know everything. buy a book, check the inernet. Who designed your set up? a 5 year old?

ph at 6.3 durring veg in that kind of soilless mix. try to keep tempo at 75. dont tell anyone that your growing ..... because your not growing your killing lol. lanolium emits toxic fumes to plants idiot cover your floor with plastic and bleach before you do but not strait bleach dude, use a 1/4 cap per gallon. get a vent source. use hydroponic store nuts not no handy dandy mom and pop dick shit(miracle grow and others). only use a 1/4 to 1/2 strenth.

as far as for what you could do now...... pray!....Pray to the weed gods and bod marley to give you some sence and the abulity to look around the inernet on how to set up a cheap grow room for $20 in my moms basement, and after your done playing around and move out of the nest them mabye you will meet a guy who knows a guy who has a roomate who dates a chick who has a cousin that lives in dickfeild that will tell you how to grow some weed. start a post that says help me build a grow room and how to get seeds and how to grow and how to harvest and how to not get caught. that will be a start for you buddy!! good luck
God A little HARSH there...But you made a few good


Well-Known Member
i agree some good advice but i`m sure we all made errors in the beggining and hopefully learned from the mistakes. some of us work on a limited budjet and work with what we have.
i have noticed this site m,ore than any other one i use for this purpose has alot of arogant mouthy people on it. cant understand if your so much more advanced than everyone why you cant just give input and help instead of putting people down. not saying this is your case but wht i see is that those are people that dont know shit and are just looking for more post count to make them look good.


Well-Known Member
I think U Got Ur Prob At the 24 hours of flourescent tubes.... id drop it to 18-6 or if its too dramatic for them (idk why it would but as precaution) try just 20-4 for first day. the first one looked overwatered but im no pro.... hope i help :)


Well-Known Member
IMPO looks like N deficiency, prob tempr, or nute fried. Good point, put all plan close to each other, make flush, don't water them for1,5-2 weeks, keep temp on 23C(75F)give them fresh air all times, make shure your water is 7.0PH. DO NOT CUT off old leaves, that can kill plants. Just wait, not rush
Good luck


Well-Known Member
dude first off the plants should not be in those big pots at that stage, transplanting allows the plant to root more efficently throughout the entire grow medium. Second is you want the plant to go through a "wet and dry" Phase it allows the plant to breath keeping the soil soggy all the time allows no oxyegen to the roots, yea roots need that shit. Third your plants and lights are all spaced out(wtF) bunch your lights and the plants together. Fourth tap water thats un-ph'd and that has not been de-chloranated or airaited for 24 hours at the least will fuck the plants. fith if you fertalize those plants at that stage you deserve to have your shit look like that(ha) Six how you gona flower 20 plants under that piss poor light source? seven those dont look like clones those are seeds so how would you know those are all female??? those seeds are under soo much stress they will hermi on your ass quick! welcome to shitty grow

Ok your best bet is to start over buy seeds or clones from good stock buy a better light system for a couple hundred bucks if this is a serous hobby for you??? ask questions to the right people and dont act like you know everything. buy a book, check the inernet. Who designed your set up? a 5 year old?

ph at 6.3 durring veg in that kind of soilless mix. try to keep tempo at 75. dont tell anyone that your growing ..... because your not growing your killing lol. lanolium emits toxic fumes to plants idiot cover your floor with plastic and bleach before you do but not strait bleach dude, use a 1/4 cap per gallon. get a vent source. use hydroponic store nuts not no handy dandy mom and pop dick shit(miracle grow and others). only use a 1/4 to 1/2 strenth.

as far as for what you could do now...... pray!....Pray to the weed gods and bod marley to give you some sence and the abulity to look around the inernet on how to set up a cheap grow room for $20 in my moms basement, and after your done playing around and move out of the nest them mabye you will meet a guy who knows a guy who has a roomate who dates a chick who has a cousin that lives in dickfeild that will tell you how to grow some weed. start a post that says help me build a grow room and how to get seeds and how to grow and how to harvest and how to not get caught. that will be a start for you buddy!! good luck
why the fuk u gotta be such a bitch maybe hes learening maybe this is his firs time maybe hes tryin suttin new that he didnt know would work or not why can u juss stfu and help him instead of being a resident of dickfeild how the fuk did ur first grow go ??? u probably stecthd to 1 foot in 2 weeks and it makes ur self feel better talkin down to others to make up for ur bullshits damn man u got some points in what u were sayin next time dont be such a dik u peace of shit, and u act liek ur the fukkin best at growing like u know every lil aspect there is to growin u probably dont know more than the guy ur runnin ur mouth about u concieded son of a bitch and i use MG nutes whit my grow and the and the buds came out dense and sweet tastin and maybe he did bleach his floors u dont know that u ignorant anus and myabe this aint a fukkin hobby to him maybe he juss wants to get high maybe he dont got money to waste like u do u need to trancend man rise above enlighten ur self insetad of being an internet badass who wouldnt even say 1/32 of the shit he says on the internet face up to face up with someone pussy i know this guy will do great as he is askin questions about his grow people will give him advice in a calmer more unbitchy attitude... Maybe u juss need a hug cuz u suked on daddy's dik a lil to much when u were lil but other than that Cheers :) and have a good day....n00b_marijuana_grower :finger: bitch

*EDIT* u seem like ur one of those poeple who would tell me learn how to spell and i know ur gunna come bak talkin shit so for further notic EYE DONTA GIVA AH FUKS HOWE EYE SPELLZ
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
and ull be fine juss check ur temps and dont water ur hole pot jus water by the stem and not to much DONT not cut off the leafs because a marijuana plant cannot survive without 50% of its plant material and ur plants are to young for nutes if u were usin any juss post all the info on ur grow.. grow conditions nutes water scheldule ect and well help as much as we can


New Member
noob.... you need to learn how to spell before you run your little dick sucker off on the web.My dad showed me how to grow but that's neither here nor there. Is this a game for you noob? I bet you grow reg seeds and tell everyone its white rhino but they all know your a liar "mask boy'. Then you wonder why my shit cant dry properly? Thats because you dont know proper drying techneques.(its all about "re-wetting" thats when you dry the bud untill the bud becomes brittle, but the stem will still be flexable. you then put it 'crispybud-wet stem" in a zip lock baggie and the rest of the moisture in the stem dissapates throughout bud to produce a uniform moisture in the bud with a stem that will snap). Thats where most growers have problems they either dry the plant to a crisp, or put that half crisp wet stem weed in a bag for a week and then wonder why it smells like moldy grass clippings, and why I can make a bowl last 20 hits mate! Your shits gay and you have no right giving advice with some shitty grom plants on a shitty first grow with a shitty first dry in a cardboard box.Did my comment upset you? did I hurt your mispelled feelings? awww.... take another hit and calm down. cheers? is that what fags say now a days ah? The fact of the matter is that your a looser looking for answers, because you dont know anyone that grows good pot. If you did you would give some half way decent advice, how you gona say a plant has a nut def at that stage you fucking stupid fagot! I dont ask questions I give limited advice to stupid fuck heads like you on how stupid your shit looks and what you can do to fix it. You dont know shit about dogs and you think your cezar from the dog wisper you dick wad. You can see my shit on hightimes fag. ive built more grow rooms than you've grom plants. Im calling your shit out to the whole inernet noob your a joke this guy thinks he knows but he has no idea, someone help the noob out give the guy a good rating hes in a contest or something. tell your mom I said hi and hopefull she woulnt have to blow a bus full of mexicans to get a quater bag of swag for 45 a quater because she like getting ripped off.