Welcome New Members!


Im in my starter stage as a grower. I have only grown NL from Nirvana. So far, so good... or so Im told. I grow for personal use only and grow indoors. I recently joined RIU and have already gained so much info. This is a great place to learn and grow (ha ha... get it?) U guys rock!!!! I look forward to learning so much more and sharing what I know so far <3


Active Member
Hey what's up everyone. Working on my first grow right now. 2 Snow White's under 184W CFL. They are currently 3 weeks old, from seed and so far so good, everything is looking great. Just wanted to say hi and I'm sure I'll have some questions along the way. I'm doing a pretty simple grow for my first time. Nothing fancy at all. Its just getting distilled water and fish emulsion about every third watering. I'm thinking about starting to flower them next weekend. Is that too early? I wanna keep them fairly small, under 3ft would be ideal. They are probably somewhere between 5-7" right now.

Yebak Le$ny

New Member
Hi everyone! :weed:
This is my first lady... Tijuana from Blim Burn Seeds. 130211_190511.jpg
Growed in PC box.
Next stage is larger box and larger plants :)
See you!


Hey what's up everyone. Working on my first grow right now. 2 Snow White's under 184W CFL. They are currently 3 weeks old, from seed and so far so good, everything is looking great. Just wanted to say hi and I'm sure I'll have some questions along the way. I'm doing a pretty simple grow for my first time. Nothing fancy at all. Its just getting distilled water and fish emulsion about every third watering. I'm thinking about starting to flower them next weekend. Is that too early? I wanna keep them fairly small, under 3ft would be ideal. They are probably somewhere between 5-7" right now.
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U want to switch them to 12/12, or to flowering stage, when they have reached approx half the total size u want the plant to reach. A good rue of thumb is to remember that she will likely double in size once changed from veg to flower. And IMO, 3 foot plants arent small ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.It's so nice to know that a place like that this forum exists.Good yields to you all!!


New Member
new to this forum. currently setting up my basement to run a 4x6' flower room and a 3x4' veg room, with a height of 6' in both rooms. most likely gonna go with a 1000w hps in flower with a 4''x4'' vinyl fence post NFT system. 3 fence posts with about 20 plant sites amongst the three, using 3.5'' net pots holding rocks or hydroton. im looking to maximize yield with the space i have while keeping costs at a minimum. is it practical to run 20 plants off one 20g res? so i can run one water pump, one air pump, and one light in flower room. most likely will get clones, top them, veg maybe 3-4 weeks then throw into flower under the 1000w. Trying to keep them short and bushy as im assuming height will be an issue with an open 1000w light with a batwing reflector. il have two intake fans dumping in fresh air from outside and the flower room will dump into veg room, while running lights at night to keep the temps down.

will post more pics of the space soon, havent hung my lights yet because i still might change my mind on how im running my system. any and all advice is appreciated. im a semi-newbie, have gotten through one harvest using dwc with ok results. anyone with experience using NFT, hydo, or basment growing please chime in with anything you got. thanks is advance.

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Active Member
Hey all!i never really introduced myself..im Snappy and im a weed head.its a pleasure being here and thank you all for being so welcoming!!


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm a new grower and thought I'd come to this forum for advice, I've already learnt most of what I need to know just by lurking previous threads, lol.

But I'm sure I'll have questions in the future - currently have 6 seedlings about 2 weeks old, which will be planted in a remote location very soon, and also plan to grow indoor next year.


New Member
For some reason I can't figure out how to start a grow journal and when I go to my profile to click on "view journal entries" it says I do not have access? I started a thread on "grow journal discussions" that shows two of my postings from the beginning and today at day 16. I am growing Buddha Red Dwarf Autoflower Feminized from seeds under 1000w HPS and I am hoping to get some pointers. I do a lot of reading on here but you know how lack of experience leaves you very unsure lol! Here is a link to my attempt at a grow journal. Any help with the growing process or the grow journal process would be great!



New Member
hi everyone i'm a new grower thats about to start a super skunk grow and i hope you dont mind but i am gonna need some help and advice from more seasoned growers


New Member
Hey all, I'm a newbie to the site and to growing. I just potted a bunch of sprouts that I germinated in paper towels. They are already poking through the soil. I am not using a light system as I simply cannot afford to buy one, but I am just going to let the plants grow in my windows. I have grown one other plant in a window and got about 2 ounces of good bud off it. Am interested to know if anyone else has grown without a lighting system in place indoors?


Hey, been growing for a while now, had a break and am now back on it!
Came across a few problems lately and was looking for experience to save myself some heartache later and share my experience also.
Currently doing Chocolope and Cotton Candy (mostly).


Active Member
Hi everyone.
if you haven't guessed, first time grower. i have some beautiful lady clones only a few weeks old.
I have previously read enough about the grow process to write a wiki page but this is my first hands on experience.
a friend of my did the honor of picking out the clones and decided to get three different strains..... to my annoyance.
two GDP, two Tahoe Thunder, and one cookies. the GDP and thunders are going easy as expected, the cookies not so much.
however i am working with what i have trying to provide the correct environment for three different strains at once.
also on a huge budget and building as i go, luckily just got a job so soon i can filter much more money into converting my whole walk-in closet, which is 3ft 4in deep, by 4ft 6in wide, and just over 8ft high. should make for a decent grow space.
right now they are in 6x6 cubes. the cookies had some nute burn right off the bat because i didn't realize not to give nutes to plants under 5 nodes. so i cut it off and also haven't watered it for a few days as it was also showing signs of over-watering. the cubes hold water for so long that its kind of tough to determine when to feed, but the cube is still moist and she seems to be coming back ok with the tip burn residing and new healthy leaves coming in. no more signs of over watering either. the thunder and GDP plants are getting some slight tip curling, it was worse before and then i made sure the fan was hitting them indirectly and raised my 300w CFL. the curling went away for the most part but is still there a little on most of them. not too out of the norm i think, maybe they are needing a little extra water? other than that, the GDP and Thunder are responding well to the nutes i think, fed every other day or so since the block retain so much water. but they do still have mild to no yellowing on the tips. i think this is relatively normal as long as its not excessive right?
humidity is usually a steady 35%-29% and temp is usually a steady 75. also have a home made Co2 generator in there during the 18 hour light cycle. seems to be working well. cant wait till i can invest in my shopping list of materials for the closet conversion. :lol:
im totally new to this site although familiar with it in general, so anyone that would like to chat it up and school me a little please feel free.
once the whole closet is finished im hoping to just have a continuous crop cycle but likely only one strain at a time haha or at least strains that enjoy the same relative environment.
peace guys bongsmilie