What do you think this little beast will yield dry? (Auto Mazar LST 10+ Tops)


Well-Known Member
In 4-6 weeks...

And should it be given any more nutes at this point? It was given more bone meal about a week or two ago. Should more be sprinkled on?

Also, how long does it look like it has to go? Thanks


Active Member
Looks to me like 3-4G's (when dried)...cant really tell how much longer from the pic....but from what I see..leaves are not dying off...so maybe 3 more weeks at least. ...the buds look pretty heat stressed..I would spray them 1 more time......then fluch...then leave them for the 3 weeks or more with no more nutes.


Well-Known Member
You're saying that if this plant runs anoter 4 weeks (its 8-9 weeks old now) it will yield 4g's....? Might as well mulch it then lmao


Active Member
I would guess you have another month -- month and a half easy? Just watch the plant and let it tell you. In the final stages of flowering, it's normal for the leaves to start to "yellow". Personally I wouldn't harvest until that happens. Your plant looks healthy to me! Good work man... keep up the lst'n and I would bet money on it that your girl gives you more than 3-4 gms dried. Just remember that when she nears her last couple of weeks, she'll pack on some weight (that's when you should flush) Grow on!!!


Well-Known Member
It's extremely hard to estimate a dried weight especially when your plant is that far away from harvesting. The density of your buds has a whole lot to do with your dried weight.


Active Member
I got one goin now about twice this size and I'm thinkin ill get an O easily. I'd say yours will get somewhere round a half O. But its too soon to tell, them tops will fatten up a bit in the next few weeks for sure


Well-Known Member
Id say a quarter maybe a little more, nothing over 10g's though, should of went with a 3 gallon pot. What kind of light have they been growing under?

Can prob get a better guesstimate if you took a pic with your hand up to one of the buds so we can see the actual size of them.


Well-Known Member
Id say a quarter maybe a little more, nothing over 10g's though, should of went with a 3 gallon pot. What kind of light have they been growing under?

Can prob get a better guesstimate if you took a pic with your hand up to one of the buds so we can see the actual size of them.
Under t5 h.o lights. 4 bulbs 4' each bulb 5k lumens per bulb. 3 6000k bulbs and one 3000k


Well-Known Member
Cool bro, ill make sure i post the link in the Advanced AF thread should be starting in about a week or so :D


Well-Known Member
youll get an ounce out of her .I like that lst like a bonsi !!! Just feed here some bone meal weekly .and some unsulfered molassas


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like any pistils have started turning yet which means the buds are still in swell mode. I would stick to your regular feeding schedule for flowering and start flushing once all or most pistils have died (turned brown). The unsulfered molasses suggestion is definitely worth looking into if you haven't. I had great results using it as an additive. I'd guess you'd harvest at least a g from each top so, I'd use that as a minimum and go from there for you're maximum potential.


Well-Known Member
Trying to figure out how much the buds should swell at this point, or grow more calyxes because they will be very tiny if the dont get swollen.