Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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New Member
At least I don't get attacked by mothers at playgrounds. You know that cop who wanted to infringe on your rights? Yeah that cop was called on you because people suspected you were kidnapping a child.
Yep in American people call the cops, I mexico that's just business as usual...


New Member
Holocaust denier Echelon1k1 doesn't argue, he just snips comments and misquotes, and now apparently just completely edits quotes to make it look like I said something I didn't.
Presented without alteration...

There is a 22 year old woman that works at the Oxxo (conv. store like 7-11) down the street from my house with a 6 month old kid far better looking than her
At least I don't get attacked by mothers at playgrounds


Well-Known Member
with pictures like that abstain from consent, don't whinge about why you're not allowed to sit next to kiddies on QANTAS flights... 1st world countries have laws, Juanita...
I would never fly Qantas, never have. Too many Australian pedos trying to go to south east Asia and Latin America.


New Member
You prefer younger partners eh?
I'm 30, so between 25-30 yeah... I ain't talking the kinda "young" you've professed desires towards...

Australia takes pedophilia seriously huh?

"What are we going to do about all these fucking pedos mate? Ah fuck it, just send em to poor countries!"
I told you before we don't want 'em - It's all about give and take... We take in roughly 190,000 migrants per year, we offset that by deporting pedos to mexico...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
there is not, nor will there ever be a "Socialist Utopia"

Socialism is now, and has always been, a Dystopian, Unfair, Authoritarian system which is a step on the road towards "Communist Utopia"

pretending to adhere to some fictional inexplicable nebulous secret form of "Socialism" which you never explain even in the broadest terms does not redefine Socialism as "anarcho-_______________ism"

hiding your agenda under layers of bullshit does not fool anyone, you are a Marxist, and the "Utopia" you crave is a "Communist Utopia"
I think I saw you trick or treat the other night. You wore this white shirt with the anarchist A and the caption, "circle jerk."


Well-Known Member
Holocaust denier Echelon1k1 doesn't argue, he just snips comments and misquotes, and now apparently just completely edits quotes to make it look like I said something I didn't.
Seriously? He's a holocaust denier?

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