Club 600


Well-Known Member
I've yet to convince a single person to try Dutch Master nutes. I really try too. :( Only known one other person to use them.

Oh and someguy... I keep my nutes around forever. Have had the same veg nutes I ordered in April 2009.

At least im not the only one who stretches things. Lol. Right now i have nutrients for the next 3yrs. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Howdy your saucy'ness :-) shit looks great man.

I've yet to convince a single person to try Dutch Master nutes. I really try too. :( Only known one other person to use them.

Oh and someguy...
Found this quite funny, not sure I was supposed to :eyesmoke: Its something about the sad face that gets me. Such a sad little smilie guy :-(

Cherish those moments, D
In less than 12 hours they'll be clamoring for water, nutes, or CO2, asking over & over "Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet?", wanting everything they see on the garden store shelf and getting grabby from the seats built into the carts as you shop, crying & fussing, running to Da with "She keeps touching me!" "She's in my light!" "She's breathing all my CO2!", until it's nighty-night time and you've tucked them into their beds and kissed their little foreheads and wished them a good night and bid them not to let the spidermites bite before shutting the lights down and letting them get their 12-hours of beauty sleep...

Good night and may fsm protect us all from the spidermite.

Whooo hooo! This has me all confused. I need to build my hash tolerance back up slowly again :eyesmoke: Best iv made, way better than the dry ice stuff. Very flavorful and potent just like the stuff my buddy gave me, good first try!
This is all 4 washes mixed together from 1oz of trim. The 4th wash had almost no yield but what little it gave looked just as fine if not better than the third wash. They all looked splendid though thats why I mixed em. The pics are missing the bit from 45 first run, It was great :-D

Probably still moist, Ill leave it spread out over night then either store as it or press... I cant kid myself, pressing with heat tomorrow :-)


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
On nutrients the only specific cannabis marketed products I use are Canna Mono elements, I compound my own recipes from a mixture of these and raw fertiliser salts.

A tub of Mono-Potassium Phosphate and a tub of Potassium Sulphate lasts years and hundreds of plants.

Commercial hydro flowering nutrients are little more than a mixture of these 2 salts dissolved, watered down and bottled for sale.


Well-Known Member
My bottle of nutrients says ADVANCED!
Yeah i only fox with the best! lol :lol:

Nice pr0n guys!
Work Medicinal Examination. Tuesday next week! Damn i hope i get some good newsl. New knee or 5million! Nau i want it nau!


Well-Known Member
What do you need to know poundsmoker? (not that I have that configuration but growing is growing in my eyes).

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
My bottle of nutrients says ADVANCED!
Yeah i only fox with the best! lol :lol:
Big Bud.


Bud Blood.

Bud Candy.
The wrong chart is displayed on the AN website but Bud Candy is made up of Potassium Sulphate and aminos.

Carbo Load.
(simple sugars)

Hammer Head.
(same ingredients as always, they've just changed the ratio's about 5 times in 3 years ffs)

Kushie Kush.


Cannas A+B and pk13/14 are just the same.



Well-Known Member
Heavy 16 nutes over here. Jig, I use 2 dutch master products because you recommend them. A root zone enhancer, and rooting gel.
WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO. I can finally cash my check for $2.83 from Dutch Masters for being a freelance salesperson. lolol.

That zone is the shiznit. I would recommend anyone running hydro (the kind with a rez, not coco) to use Zone. It's cheap, lasts forever, and in my mind makes a HUGE difference. It's not a nutrient, it's a root zone/ tank conditioner. I've never messed with mold or rot in my roots, and something about what the zone does changes the surface tension of the water. The bubbles that come from the airstone or waterfall are much much smaller and more in number with the zone. Seems like more oxygen gets dissolved.

That's all based on my observations. I swear it works great.


Well-Known Member
iso, crazy melty.

Pressed bubble, crazy bubbly :eyesmoke:

The machine came in today, I need to got get some ice but man I look mashed up lol Gonna move quick and keep my eyes down :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, party at glocdoc's. I'll bring drinks! Non alcoholic at least, you drunks can figure out your own alcohol. :)