Its a SAD, SAD, day.....................


Well-Known Member
It's just word of mouth a story, as far as you me or any one else know's anyone of us could be a 60 year old little lady, or a 13year old kid. Don't belive every thing you read. Fact or fiction you be the judge. No body is who they seem to be online. That is the truth trust me and look in the mirror. Are you who you pretend to be???????????


Active Member
or maybe someone that is active on this website got high ( lol just a thought) and decided to fuck with someone lol.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well let me add to this discussion. Its always said a safe grower is always border line paranoid.Second did you look at the email header and see who it came fromlotta info in there if they are a noob and dint know how to hide they trail. Also hope you didnt jusst trash bag the stuff and put it in your garbage as if you did you can help local police. The technique is to spoke a potential suspect they dont have enough info to get a warrant on. The suspect cleans house and makes a big non no and puts it in his trash then to the curb or truck where it is then public domain. Any trash with your name address or prints on the bag with th contraband are now evidence and able to be used for future raid warrants. I know this as have seen 3 people I know get in trouble this way. Cops scooped the trash cans on the curb went through and used all kinda info they got from months of trash pickup.And yes thier is an internet drug and crime team that surf for criminals and even some state and county departments have teams.Well hope we are all paranoid now but its not like anyone posting pics or journels are doing it in real time anyways or from where the grow is lol.I know Im not I like to keep schedules private and locations even more imaginary.Stay safe grow at your own risk and always post with time delayed grows.


Well-Known Member
just my .02 if i was growing i would in no way associate myself with an online growing community, talk about losing sleep at night lol.


Active Member
yawn why not fuckign with cops is funny
i hope theey break my door down and then have to explain to there boss why they got nothing. EAT ME PIGS OH WAIT I EAT U HMMMM BACON


Well-Known Member
Yeh I think logical reasons are, 1.) if it was a cop, he was just trying to scare you to get rid of your sht, because if he knew you actually had it he would have just busted ya. And there are internet cops, if no1 remebers, KevinAmbler was on here not to long ago, trying to buy weed, couple people did some research turned out he was a 5-0 lol.
2.) I would talk to your girl, becuase girls have big mouths, and if you didnt tell anyone.. she might of, hard to keep something so cool a secret, not trying to accuse her, just giving suggestions.

Also you think you could post the email adress of this person, so we can try and figure everything out?

I think this is a sad day for all of us though. Sorry about your loss man :(
dick move on whoever did that to you


Active Member
lol there was 5-0 on here trying to buy weed?
so sad anyone worth catching would never use anythign like this anyways


Active Member
dont they have real crimes to solve or is there not enough old ladiess needing help across the teh street these days


Active Member
OK OK sorry it took me so long to get back on but i was buisy reading all ur replies. Im sorry this is in this section by the way so if you'd like delete it. Anyway here the email..and it didnt say they were a cop jus a friend who cares but i dont recognize the add. nor does she. we dont give our add. out to jus anyone ya kno?? well here it is....all ur help is greatly app. If we get them everyone send them hate mail!!!! nah, jus kiddin.....

I may be the only one on your side right now but I do not want you to
who I am. I have defeded you many times and am writting to warn you
they have found out about the things you are growing and plan to use
against you very is not a secret. My sister is in prison for
same thing and he4r husband divorced her, it was his. Im trying to
they have already contacted the police

From:"Gordon schroll"
Date:Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:24:00 -0500

Ifeal bad for telling you, but i would feal worse if i didnt
"Gordon schroll" <>


Well-Known Member
LIKe anyone will admit to having a hundred plants in there basement. even online in a magical world that is crazy. Remember you bring the heat on your self. quit being a heatbag. And I will stop telling story's if people stop listening....


Active Member
oh that email <> lv_bytes is computer language so maybe that will narrow it down to someone u know or some lonely nerd with alot of time PEACE


Well-Known Member
KevinAmbler was on here not to long ago, trying to buy weed, couple people did some research turned out he was a 5-0 lol.
Who did the research and how did their research allow them to detect an undercover operation like that? I was wrong and I guess I can believe there are internet police but I don't believe they'd be sloppy enough to be detected by simple research. I doubt his name was actually Kevin Ambler and furthermore I doubt any kind of IP tracking would lead to 'Here I am @ police HQ'


Well-Known Member
OK OK sorry it took me so long to get back on but i was buisy reading all ur replies. Im sorry this is in this section by the way so if you'd like delete it. Anyway here the email..and it didnt say they were a cop jus a friend who cares but i dont recognize the add. nor does she. we dont give our add. out to jus anyone ya kno?? well here it is....all ur help is greatly app. If we get them everyone send them hate mail!!!! nah, jus kiddin.....

I may be the only one on your side right now but I do not want you to
who I am. I have defeded you many times and am writting to warn you
they have found out about the things you are growing and plan to use
against you very is not a secret. My sister is in prison for
same thing and he4r husband divorced her, it was his. Im trying to
they have already contacted the police

From:"Gordon schroll"
Date:Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:24:00 -0500

Ifeal bad for telling you, but i would feal worse if i didnt
"Gordon schroll" <>
thats pretty fucked up you ditched your stuff before they even issued a search warrant..instead of tossing it, you shoulda put it in a rubbermaid bin and took it away to somewhere safe..Im sure you have a good friend or relative..and if you have everything on timers, you wounldnt need to worry about anything..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lv_bytes isnt that a old tesla song?The kevin guy was found out as the person who looked into it hasa friend who was a cop and they got him some info on the guy.