My first grow with bag seed


Well-Known Member
So yesterday after further investigations I decided to snip off a bud (avatar pic.) that had a couple amber trichs on it, but the hairs are still mostly white, whats up with that?? Anyhow Im trying the water curing method. cant wait till next week!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well havent watered again yet when I do going to add molasses, Buds are still looking sweet!! Trichs are still clearish on most of them, hairs are still prodomenetly white, will they all turn red by the time of harvest?? How much longer do you think I have??

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
they will all turn red if you let them... Are you trying to harvest as soon as you can... prly like week 8 of flowering then... where are you at... judging pics, i'd say that gives you 2 weeks minimum... If you wait longer you will be much more pleased, 10-12 weeks, 4-6 more judging pics...

Best of luck, get more photos!


Well-Known Member
Checked soil the other day and was still moist!! I went ahead and fed
them alittle anyway, lower fan leaves are still yellowing and dying off, now is this because they arent being fed enough N or its just totally natural?? So cleaned up dying leaves and LST them so some of the other flowers get better light, trichs are getting milky but the hairs are still mostly white, some buds have more red hairs then others. I know I still have a few weeks to go, should I be feeding them only molasses now??
Took some pics with my good camera, gotta love the super macro setting:weed:
Talk about sugar coating, looking damn sweet on your ladies there !!
I don't see any harm to giving them some molasses now, but I wouldn't give them any other nutes. My guess would be between 2 and 3 weeks left to go.
You gave me an idea to try water cure on my next sample too, let me know how it turns out for you. I'm considering water-curing some of my harvest, but a friend of mine keeps telling me not to.:peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they will all turn red if you let them... Are you trying to harvest as soon as you can... prly like week 8 of flowering then... where are you at... judging pics, i'd say that gives you 2 weeks minimum... If you wait longer you will be much more pleased, 10-12 weeks, 4-6 more judging pics...

Best of luck, get more photos!
Awsome, just dont want to harvest to early/late, Im exactly 39 days into flowering, ok so I still got some time, thanks OB, I 'll get some more pics up this evening

Talk about sugar coating, looking damn sweet on your ladies there !!
I don't see any harm to giving them some molasses now, but I wouldn't give them any other nutes. My guess would be between 2 and 3 weeks left to go.
You gave me an idea to try water cure on my next sample too, let me know how it turns out for you. I'm considering water-curing some of my harvest, but a friend of mine keeps telling me not to.:peace::mrgreen:
LOL, thanks BigGuyTokin, they do look sweet, hope they turn out a sweet smoke!! cool Im gonna start with the molasses next watering, do I give it to them every watering until I harvest, no more flushing?? Yeah the water curing thing is supose to take all the impurities out, just leaving a clean smooth and lil more potent smoke!!! Yeah the looks of it wont be to apealing but im not to worried about that, all for me!!! I'll let you know how it turns out

[BionicChronic];957708 said:
Lol=] I Love Roll It Up=]
I know aint it the shit!!


Well-Known Member
LOL, thanks BigGuyTokin, they do look sweet, hope they turn out a sweet smoke!! cool Im gonna start with the molasses next watering, do I give it to them every watering until I harvest, no more flushing?? Yeah the water curing thing is supose to take all the impurities out, just leaving a clean smooth and lil more potent smoke!!! Yeah the looks of it wont be to apealing but im not to worried about that, all for me!!! I'll let you know how it turns out
I see you did the smart thing and started a thread on the unsulfered molasses and already got your answers. All good advise, 2 tbs per gallon every watering sounds about right.
I'll be watching your results and doing the same.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Awsome, just dont want to harvest to early/late, Im exactly 39 days into flowering, ok so I still got some time, thanks OB, I 'll get some more pics up this evening

LOL, thanks BigGuyTokin, they do look sweet, hope they turn out a sweet smoke!! cool Im gonna start with the molasses next watering, do I give it to them every watering until I harvest, no more flushing?? Yeah the water curing thing is supose to take all the impurities out, just leaving a clean smooth and lil more potent smoke!!! Yeah the looks of it wont be to apealing but im not to worried about that, all for me!!! I'll let you know how it turns out

I know aint it the shit!!
hell yes. it is the shit man! hahahaha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Update on plants.... My bigger of the 2 is still losing fan leaves!! just yellowing and dying off!!! I know this is natural for some of them to be using up their stored nutes in the leaves, but all of them!!! My other plant isnt doing that??? I wonder if it has anything to do with me flushing??? another thing I forgot to mention is I put them on 14/10, DNA Genetics does this the last few weeks of flowering along with just feeding water.... Alright I have a question, just got my hands on some Foxs Farms tiger bloom and dont know if I can give it to them, I cut off feeding chemical nutes last week, and being that this product is organic wonder what kind off response I will get from the girls????? Was just gonna start feeding them molasses today, what to do, what to do, should I just stick to the molasses from here on out being I have a few weeks left?? someone help!!!!!! here are some updated pics:mrgreen:


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
14 hrs lights on!!! why... if anything dial the light DOWN!!! go to 8 hrs towards the end, lower humidity and crystals will boom, what are you expecting by giving more light? I have never heard of this...

Your fine with molasses and the leaves dying off is prly normal... pics look pretty good- maybe add some superthrive to the water as well to help the leaves- and if you really want to- i would add some nitrogen- that will green em right back up and some people do that...

What is your light situation again, i forgot... could back pedal... but you know better than I?


Well-Known Member
14 hrs lights on!!! why... if anything dial the light DOWN!!! go to 8 hrs towards the end, lower humidity and crystals will boom, what are you expecting by giving more light? I have never heard of this...

Your fine with molasses and the leaves dying off is prly normal... pics look pretty good- maybe add some superthrive to the water as well to help the leaves- and if you really want to- i would add some nitrogen- that will green em right back up and some people do that...

What is your light situation again, i forgot... could back pedal... but you know better than I?
Whats up OB??? Well I just fed them little more than a half gal. of water with 2 tbl spn of molasses each, I hope thats not to much to start with??? now im kinda thinking I should have started out with 1 tbl spoon,what do you think?? As far as the lighting goes I saw this video on DNA Genetics and the last few weeks they bump it up to 14/10 and then just straight water till harvest, they have been on that light cycle for a few days now, and I heard that you dont want to use Superthrive in the flowering cycle, as your buds wont be me out bro dont want to mess these up:peace:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I would cut the thrive at week 5-6 but ur not that far yet are you...?

And you only use it once- 2 drops, i have never heard it loosens buds- its world famous for increasing yield and restoring plants- its just pure vitamins basically... maybe thats true though i will check it out/start thread or something...

And i have never heard of a 14 hr cycle in flowering... I have heard of 14 hr darkness and 10 light... you want to go with less light, it encourages more resin production...

Check out
YouTube - THC, UVB and Me
it explains how resin is formed and thc is produced pretty well, and darkness and lack of humidity are both beneficial.

My light cycle has gone
Sitting in front of window (dumbass) seedlings...
24 hrs under FL's shop light (smarter dumbass) Two Weeks- till they were recognizably weed
18 hrs under MH one week
16 hrs under MH half week
36 hrs darkness to induce flowering
12 hrs darkness under HPS for flowering so far going strong like that for 3.5 weeks.

What strain is that for, and where is the video... thats some crazy stuff, i wanna hear their science...


Well-Known Member
I would cut the thrive at week 5-6 but ur not that far yet are you...?

And you only use it once- 2 drops, i have never heard it loosens buds- its world famous for increasing yield and restoring plants- its just pure vitamins basically... maybe thats true though i will check it out/start thread or something...

And i have never heard of a 14 hr cycle in flowering... I have heard of 14 hr darkness and 10 light... you want to go with less light, it encourages more resin production...

Check out
YouTube - THC, UVB and Me
it explains how resin is formed and thc is produced pretty well, and darkness and lack of humidity are both beneficial.

My light cycle has gone
Sitting in front of window (dumbass) seedlings...
24 hrs under FL's shop light (smarter dumbass) Two Weeks- till they were recognizably weed
18 hrs under MH one week
16 hrs under MH half week
36 hrs darkness to induce flowering
12 hrs darkness under HPS for flowering so far going strong like that for 3.5 weeks.

What strain is that for, and where is the video... thats some crazy stuff, i wanna hear their science...
Yeah I did use superthrive when they were in veg. they are pretty much in their 6th week, just tried looking for that video but couldnt find it, did a search on about harvesting bud, and it was 1 of those videos, I dont know what to do now, I just gave them moalsses and now after seein RaginCajuns420 grow hes on his 11th week flowering!! and they look awsome!! Am I starting to early with the molassses,?? should I put back on nutes?? how long do you think I have to go????WTF!! Im freakin out now


Well-Known Member
So whats the deal here?? I went ahead and fed my girls with 2 tbl spoons of molasses per gal of water now Im readng that its only 1 tbl spoon molasses per gal of water, should I flush?? Im already freakin about my plants, that they have more than a few weeks left and I cut them off of nutes, what should I do??


Well-Known Member
So whats the deal here?? I went ahead and fed my girls with 2 tbl spoons of molasses per gal of water now Im readng that its only 1 tbl spoon molasses per gal of water, should I flush?? Im already freakin about my plants, that they have more than a few weeks left and I cut them off of nutes, what should I do??
I just had someone post in my journal that it's one tbl spoon per gallon. They also mentioned that it dissolves better in the water if you put it in a cup and warm it in the microwave first.
I don't see why it would be neccessary to flush the extra out, its only a very weak nutrient and more for flavor as I understand it.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah your fine with the molasses- people do it all through flowering, i am- till final weeks.

And if you cut em of of nutes, you can ween em back on and off em.


Well-Known Member
yeah your fine with the molasses- people do it all through flowering, i am- till final weeks.

And if you cut em of of nutes, you can ween em back on and off em.
Alright, went ahead and gave my bigger plant some Superthive hope that brings her back to life, If all my fan leaves do die off what will happen?? will my plant die?? and Im wondering about maybe putting them back on nutes, Tiger Bloom


Well-Known Member
Today is the day!!:mrgreen::mrgreen: The bud I snipped of my big plant has been water

curing for seven days today, I just put it in the food dehydrator so I

guess in 5 hrs. (hopefully) I will know how she smokes:blsmoke: Other than that

I picked up a 26 watt 10.0 UVB lamp, Thanks for that link OB!!! Will it be

OK to just throw it in the mix being im already in the 6th week of

flowering?? I just hope that I got the right 1 they had them in 2.0 and

5.0 as well, Plants are looking good (other then the yellowing dying

leaves) lights are off so I'll get new pics up

tommarow, stand bye for results


Well-Known Member
Couldnt wait till my sample dried last night so I smoked some stuff I picked up and was pretty stoned, didnt want to try my sample already being stoned and all....I'll try it in alittle while and let you know. Went ahead and put the UVB lamp in the garden I hope it makes a difference, still not sure what to do about the fan leaves dying, here are the pics I just took the first one is my sample


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
that first ones the water cured bud...

What did you think-

I am on the fence bout that method- it seems reckless- I know all the facts and yadadahh but you will have to tell me officially if side by side your water cured bud is better than the non-water cured?

For science...