My plants seem like they are dying... Why????


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the advice guys you have helped me out a lot. They do seem to be getting worse than better and maybe that is because I flushed them with nutes as someone said it would be a good idea.

Any idea how long they will take to start getting better??
Once you have things right, your new growth will look good.
Don't go throwing bottles of nutes at it until you know your PH is right so the plant has access to them.PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif


Well-Known Member
Just an observation but there seems to be a lot of problems encountered trying to sprout seeds in coco


I use canna. Nothing wrong with it. You need to feed half strength or even quarter when you do feed. Every newb makes mistakes. You shouldn't keep messing with your plants though or they won't recover well.
Hi m8.. thanks for the input but what do you mean by dont be messing with my plants too much? Also how long will they take to start recovering as the leaves seem to be getting lighter if anything.


Just an observation but there seems to be a lot of problems encountered trying to sprout seeds in coco

Hi... They sprouted fine as I used root riot, its when I potted them and put them in the tent that I started having problems :(


Active Member
They dont need nutes yet, but you could at .25 strength if you wanted. Mine go till like 3rd set of leaves before I start feeding, and then I use full strength with no problem. On some plants my leaves look exactly like yours do now. It's just a mutation or whatever they call it, bad genetics. But the plants always grow out of it by like the 3-4th set of leaves. I'd water less so the plant grows more roots, and in a set or 2 more leaves..start adding nhtes. But you could do quarter strength now if you wanted.


read, read, read my friend, trust me its worth it, cus in a few months you will be the one answering questions but more importantly you will have the knowledge to grow well

Yes Ive done a lot of reading my friend but there is so much contradicting info.. It's really hard to know what to listen too. I think It will be quite a while before I'm giving the advice lol.


They dont need nutes yet, but you could at .25 strength if you wanted. Mine go till like 3rd set of leaves before I start feeding, and then I use full strength with no problem. On some plants my leaves look exactly like yours do now. It's just a mutation or whatever they call it, bad genetics. But the plants always grow out of it by like the 3-4th set of leaves. I'd water less so the plant grows more roots, and in a set or 2 more leaves..start adding nhtes. But you could do quarter strength now if you wanted.

Thank you... Somebody told me that I should flush them with nutes so I did and maybe that is why they are going more yellow now.. They just don't seem to be getting any better and I am so worried as I don't want to have to start all over again. I will post some more pics in a little while so you can see what I mean.

no clue

Well-Known Member
You can get a decent PH pen for 20 to 50 bucks US. The purple stems could be genetic but are likely stress in your case. TRy not to worry so much about your plants. Relax. Plants do what they do on their own time.


You can get a decent PH pen for 20 to 50 bucks US. The purple stems could be genetic but are likely stress in your case. TRy not to worry so much about your plants. Relax. Plants do what they do on their own time.
OK thank you.. I'm trying not to worry lol but it's hard.. Thanks for the advice tho everyone it is much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you... Somebody told me that I should flush them with nutes so I did and maybe that is why they are going more yellow now.. They just don't seem to be getting any better and I am so worried as I don't want to have to start all over again. I will post some more pics in a little while so you can see what I mean.
Slap whoever told you that.
A flush is normally done in the event of overfeeding, salt buildup, or just before harvest, but with plain PH'ed water.
I have never heard of 'flushing with nutes' before.
I would get yourself a pen, or at least check the PH of your water before you start throwing nutes at it any more.


Well-Known Member
Hi m8.. thanks for the input but what do you mean by dont be messing with my plants too much? Also how long will they take to start recovering as the leaves seem to be getting lighter if anything.

I mean that you shouldn't adjust a problem then try and tackle another, if that makes sense. When you sort out an issue with your plant let it take time to recover. Could be a few days could be a week. Its all part of the learning process. You'll learn alot from this that will help you in the future. Dont look at it as a mistake look at it as a lesson.


Slap whoever told you that.
A flush is normally done in the event of overfeeding, salt buildup, or just before harvest, but with plain PH'ed water.
I have never heard of 'flushing with nutes' before.
I would get yourself a pen, or at least check the PH of your water before you start throwing nutes at it any more.

Haha... Somebody on here told me to do it lol.
Ive ordered a ph kit online so hopefully it will be here soon. Shall I just water them until I can test the ph? I have been using fresh bottled water as heard tap water is no good. Is this correct?