The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I like your .gif Tonto! It totally conveys what you are thinking. We are all entitled to our opinions so I am not saying you are completely wrong or that I am 100% right. And until MJ is totally legal we probably won't be 100% sure but someday my friend someday.

@dannyboy: I agree I'm no fan of cervantes as well.


Well-Known Member
Just had a massive argument with the gf n somehow I've gotten her to say still trying to figure out how I did it.


Well-Known Member
Nope,working till the bitter end fellas are doing great, have my seedling under the 400w n its loving it, but my temps are at 23 ish so lower than ever before but my god I love mh!!


Well-Known Member
NEVER!!! ae probably has alot on his plate at the moment n a few are about we just need to soldiers on n welcome anyone n everyone hahaha


Well-Known Member
U all geared up for the Xmas? I still have to start the shopping...fuck my life but on a + my lil blues liver popped, have it to the left of the tent till it grows a little bit more but saying that I have had a lil fella from seed under it n he's grand but what I've done is put a few clay balls on top when they pop so the soil doesn't dry out so fast.


Well-Known Member
No shopping for me I don't buy gifts nor do i receive them which is how I like it. I do how ever get together with a few friends and we smoke our latest strains including concentrates and edibles........its an old tradition.

some DIH Hash heat Pressed. Much better to make DIH with wet bud than dry. it is a mix of blz bud, green crack, mazar, and chernobyl. very potent.



Well-Known Member
No shopping for me I don't buy gifts nor do i receive them which is how I like it. I do how ever get together with a few friends and we smoke our latest strains including concentrates and edibles........its an old tradition.

some DIH Hash heat Pressed. Much better to make DIH with wet bud than dry. it is a mix of blz bud, green crack, mazar, and chernobyl. very potent.

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the gf said no gifts this year but she went shopping with the mother n came back saying we should do gifts so chocolate for her lol.that sounds like my idea of Xmas bud, few friends quality smoke n lame ass Xmas tv haha. That stuff looks yummy!!


Well-Known Member
It is college "football" season playoff's in the states and there has been some amazing upsets I'm loving it. yeah I wish I could smoke some of that hash with you, if I had to guess I would say it would be tested around 45% it is potent or smoke any of the fine flowers I have with you or any of you irish guys!

I will let you know what my "non" regular grower friends bring to the get together the day after christmas, but usually we have the better stuff but who knows they may surprise us! I talk to one of them and they have some cured platinum cookies which I am looking forward to trying I just hope they grew it with love and compassion!


Well-Known Member
It is college "football" season playoff's in the states and there has been some amazing upsets I'm loving it. yeah I wish I could smoke some of that hash with you, if I had to guess I would say it would be tested around 45% it is potent or smoke any of the fine flowers I have with you or any of you irish guys!

I will let you know what my "non" regular grower friends bring to the get together the day after christmas, but usually we have the better stuff but who knows they may surprise us! I talk to one of them and they have some cured platinum cookies which I am looking forward to trying I just hope they grew it with love and compassion!
I think its safe to assume we all wanna try some of that smoke haha we don't really have nice hash here, mostly soap bar but the odd time U get some paki black or pollin but always hard to gage the quality n if its good hash it the same price as weed so I always go with the weed actually looking forward to that, ill probably score some unknown green but my fellas should be done late Jan early Feb...was planning to go to the dam with the gf in Jan but totally forgot about my fellas so most ill go is up the country somewhere for 2 days or so.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree with the growing with passion, got some "lemon haze" the last week, bud was nice n dense but hardly no smell n the high was a joke but not the funny kind, bet they didn't cure it or if they did it wasn't for 2 long.


Well-Known Member
Yeah lemon haze, skunk, kush, what ever has the name lemon in it should have a nice heavy fruity smell to it. The for sure didn't cure it if that was the case.


Well-Known Member
Fucking does my head in, all I get off that is that they didn't give a fuck other than getting paid n I wouldn't mind but the buds were nice just what mattered wasn't there or if it was it was minute!


Well-Known Member
Look at this phenomenal order I just made which includes promos and christmas specials from attitude. the price includes the additional money for guaranteed stealth shipping. 25 Fem Beans for under a $hundred.

Screen Shot 2013-12-08 at 8.40.24 AM.pngScreen Shot 2013-12-08 at 8.40.38 AM.png


Well-Known Member
That's awesome mate, like I said before check out breeders boutique insane prices there I got 20 beans for under 30 euro n that's including postage but dang that's a great mix of beans bro.

just had a look on attitude myself, some amazing deals to be had *shakes fist* damn you md now I wanna but more seeds hahaha