Why you no talk about.....


Well-Known Member
Polly want a cracker?
the only people who get uncomfortable with my hatred of racists and white supremacists are the racists and white supremacists.

ya know, like people from the south who call the president by racial slurs and other people like that.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
why didn't you make a peep when bignbushy said that he was kind enough to let a couple fish on his (parent's) property, EVEN THOUGH they were mixed race?

plenty of others jumped on that as racist, even cannasylvan as i recall. doer too.

where were you?
Buck ...

You and me are worlds apart on judging people about racism...It sounds like he gave you what you need to feel like a super hero..And I have been on the ocean crabbing so I don't read everything..


Well-Known Member
the only people who get uncomfortable with my hatred of racists and white supremacists are the racists and white supremacists.

ya know, like people from the south who call the president by racial slurs and other people like that.
Obsess much? Polly? Polly want some kitty litter?

Some ppl on here including my self have no clue what you are talking about with this white supremacist thing that happened here...you said the EXACT same thing to me you are saying to Nitro......its retarded.

You called the president black, which is a racial slur because of the context you used....and because of your racist ass avatar.....I corrected you my saying he was of mixed race, not black...and chose the word mulatto for simplicity....think I ever got labeled a racist in Charlotte, NC for saying mulatto? Right then....my culture is VERY different than yours and I don't appreciate your intolerance.


Well-Known Member
Buck ...

You and me are worlds apart on judging people about racism...It sounds like he gave you what you need to feel like a super hero..And I have been on the ocean crabbing so I don't read everything..
for someone who doesn't read everything, you sure are selective about what you do read.

months and months and months of a dozen white supremacists: not a peep.

cheesus calls your daughter a mudshark: you blow your lid.

you can try to fool yourself, and you will probably succeed since you are quite dumb and thus easily duped.

but you won't fool anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Obsess much? Polly? Polly want some kitty litter?

Some ppl on here including my self have no clue what you are talking about with this white supremacist thing that happened here...you said the EXACT same thing to me you are saying to Nitro......its retarded.

You called the president black, which is a racial slur because of the context you used....and because of your racist ass avatar.
thou doth protest too much.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
for someone who doesn't read everything, you sure are selective about what you do read.

months and months and months of a dozen white supremacists: not a peep.

cheesus calls your daughter a mudshark: you blow your lid.

you can try to fool yourself, and you will probably succeed since you are quite dumb and thus easily duped.

but you won't fool anyone else.

I come to this section for political debate Buck. I didn't come here to make a game out of racism..I came here to talk about that lying piece of shit in the white house..


Well-Known Member
I didn't come here to make a game out of racism..I came here to talk about that lying piece of shit in the white house..
reconcile that with your cheerleading for the harassment and intimidation of peaceful american muslims using their 1st amendment rights.



I come to this section for political debate Buck. I didn't come here to make a game out of racism..I came here to talk about that lying piece of shit in the white house..

Therein lies the problem, they made him black so that they can take everything away from you, and now you can't touch him, because he is black. Same problem different continent.


Well-Known Member
Therein lies the problem, they made him black so that they can take everything away from you, and now you can't touch him, because he is black. Same problem different continent.
plenty of folks here bring about legitimate policy disagreements rather than personal acrimony and are therefore not labeled racist: cannabineer, doer, trousers, muyloco, NLXSK (formerly), racerboy, and many, many more.


Well-Known Member
I think the racists are accidentally correct again. The government is so fucking terrified of a revolution that they thrust Obama upon us. We actually came pretty close with occupy and the teabillies. Obama was the perfect appeasement. He appeals to the poor but he is owned by wall street.


I think the racists are accidentally correct again. The government is so fucking terrified of a revolution that they thrust Obama upon us. We actually came pretty close with occupy and the teabillies. Obama was the perfect appeasement. He appeals to the poor but he is owned by wall street.
Good comment mate!


I don't mind that he is black though.
Neither do I man, promise, he just a bad man, Bush is just as bad and I don't like him at all, actually I don't like any white politicians, they are all shitbags selling us down the river, if I hate anything it's them. I wish we would do something about it though. :(


New Member
I think the racists are accidentally correct again. The government is so fucking terrified of a revolution that they thrust Obama upon us. We actually came pretty close with occupy and the teabillies. Obama was the perfect appeasement. He appeals to the poor but he is owned by wall street.
No occupier was ever gonna revolt, lol.

Bunch of entitled gun hating liberals cant do anything but put tents up, and proceed to bitch and moan.

How'd that work out for them? lol

Revolutions are not started by leaches.