Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Whats going on with this one Bak? Looks like shes got the claw?
Got that way with the upper small leafs a while ago when I had to pump a bunch of Maxi-Cal into her, I'm thinking due to the fact the MC had 10% N in it as well as CA and Mg.
Never did get to the fan leafs though, so I just left it.
I hope she works out for you man, I know how frustrating it can be to see your baby sick and try to figure out whats wrong at least it is for me
Thanks man, but I'm not worried about it................
It's not getting any worse now, as long as I don't get behind on the Maxi.
That thing is a CA/Mg whore.
Gotcha, I had a girl like that once not a CA/Mg whore just a whore...:hump:
Tonight, some of those upper small leafs are starting to unravel and start looking normal again, but since I just watered, I'm afraid by the time she's ready for next water, I'll be playing catch up with the Maxi Cal again.
I got the center vein on all leafs starting to get yellow already.
This Diesel has been a juggling game from the start.


Well-Known Member
Everything somewhat back to 'normal'?
Ya doin' OK I hope.
We missed ya.
Everythings ok, and the fuck yous well deserved lol. Skipped court on purpose because they would have nailed me if i would have had to open my mouth for more than a minute but alls good now. Got a ton more money to pay but its just drops in the bucket....know what im sayin? Other than that everythings great. I had to lay low because the X was watching my riu at her new place and yes im sure. I went over there once and opened her ipad and riu was up on the screen with chris fuckin farley starin right back at me. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :(
so i figured id lay low for a bitski. Ahh well. Anyway, hi to everyone and i hope that bears pecker doesnt end up in my bud lol :):):)


Well-Known Member
Everythings ok, and the fuck yous well deserved lol. Skipped court on purpose because they would have nailed me if i would have had to open my mouth for more than a minute but alls good now. Got a ton more money to pay but its just drops in the bucket....know what im sayin? Other than that everythings great. I had to lay low because the X was watching my riu at her new place and yes im sure. I went over there once and opened her ipad and riu was up on the screen with chris fuckin farley starin right back at me. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :(
so i figured id lay low for a bitski. Ahh well. Anyway, hi to everyone and i hope that bears pecker doesnt end up in my bud lol :):):)
Fuckin psycho bitch still givin ya shit, huh?
Oh well, anyway, great to see ya back.
BTW, cry 'financial hardship' and get the payment plan, at least then you can still eat Ramen every night.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Fuckin psycho bitch still givin ya shit, huh?
Oh well, anyway, great to see ya back.
BTW, cry 'financial hardship' and get the payment plan, at least then you can still eat Ramen every night.:cry:
Shes getting better, but no worries, im doin fine for money lol stacks of that shit everywhere ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey Bak..isn't there a forum type you have to know for them to work on RIU? I only ask because every time I searched for the darn things it gave me all these choices and I had no clue what to do. I just guessed and it installed a bunch of crap that I couldn't figure out how to use :(
the forum type is Vbulletin

figured id throw up a pic of the helicopter purple haze #1 x kc45

2013-12-21 23.14.05.jpg

i went ahead and popped a couple auto's
and about 5 of these purple things im just going to leave them in party cups and then sex them then reveg and pack them in a tapped up rubbermaid when i move


Well-Known Member
Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in ..../vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_ui_profile.php on line 51

lol WTF is up with the site ?


Well-Known Member
Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in ..../vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_ui_profile.php on line 51

lol WTF is up with the site ?
I came back. RIU said Fuck that noise!!


Well-Known Member
Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in ..../vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_ui_profile.php on line 51

lol WTF is up with the site ?
I've been getting that message since about 11 this morning.(Yesterday, Eastern time).


Well-Known Member
the forum type is Vbulletin

figured id throw up a pic of the helicopter purple haze #1 x kc45

View attachment 2937270

i went ahead and popped a couple auto's
and about 5 of these purple things im just going to leave them in party cups and then sex them then reveg and pack them in a tapped up rubbermaid when i move
Can't wait to start me some autos come the end of January :)
thanks for the info bro :)

I came back. RIU said Fuck that noise!!
It's the Stewmeister Trojan!!!! haha
hey, remember when we all overloaded the server those couple times? such fun!!!:mrgreen:
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